The Archive is Limited
Contemporary art: multiples, prints, vinyl records, art editions
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The Archive is Limited Archives
Lost & Found, invitation, 3 juli [card, no year]
Lost & Found, 1997 – 2018 [invitations: cards, posters]
YANN SÉRANDOUR, How…, 2019 [bleached cow bone, engraved]
PATTI SMITH, Seventh Heaven, 1979 [poetry]
ROSEMARIE TROCKEL, Ex Voto Platte, 2000 [signed edition]
FRANCK BRAGIGAND, Garbage in order to…, 1999 [set of 6 cards]
BART CHABOT, Popcorn, 1981 [dichtbundel]
ERIK VAN LIESHOUT, Selbstentzünderer, n.d. [exhibition poster, 1999]
PETER HALLEY, Maintain Speed, 2000 [catalogue]
RIRKRIT TIRAVANIJA, Community Cinema for a quiet intersection (against Oldenburg), 1999 [invitation card]
JOHAN VAN DER KEUKEN, Paris Mortel, 2013 [photo book]
PETER HALLEY, exhibition card, 1998 [essay by Mario Diacono]
PETER HALLEY, Painting as Sociogram 1981-1997 [signed catalogue, dedicated]
ROB SCHOLTE, Cut-out, 1987 [newspaper page, signed]
ISA GENZKEN, Glanzwasser, 1994 [Texte zur Kunst edition]
MAARTEN PLOEG, invitation card, 1987 [invitation card]
PETER HALLEY, untitled – Exploding Cell, ca 1997 [signed in print]
PETER HALLEY. untitled, ca 1997 [computer print, Exploding Cell]
PETER HALLEY, invite, 1999 [exhibition card]
ISA GENZKEN, Weltempfänger, 1987 [exhibition card]
PETER HALLEY, Drawings 1991-1995, 1996 [catalogue]
PETER HALLEY, Utopia’s Diagrams, 1998 [signed]
MIEKO SHIOMI, Fluxus Balance, 1993 [signed edition, number XXI/C]
CHRISTIAN BURNOSKI, Print Response, 2012 [special edition with DVD]
MARINA ABRAMOVIC / ULAY, Nightsea crossing, 1984 [exhibition card]
MARINA ABRAMOVIC & ULAY, Nightsea crossing, 1983 [booklet, Sonesta Koepel]
ULAY/MARINA ABRAMOVIC, You see what you feel / I see, 1984 [invitation card]
MARINA ABRAMOVIC & ULAY, China Ring, 1987 [exhibition card]
THICK AIR, 1983 [9 Icelandic artist’s books]
TAKAKO SAITO, Schachspiele, Spiele und Bücher, 1989 [signed catalogue]
TWAN JANSSEN, Stage Property #97118 [goodwill multiple]
JAAP KRONEMAN / MIRJAM KUITENBROUWER, Over het anachronisme, 1996 [magazine]
JAAP KRONEMAN, zonder titel, 1999 [colour photo]
ROBIN CROZIER, International Hole, 1973 [I.A.C. Edition Nr. 4]
KRISTJAN GUDMUNDSSON, Bien i Koldum Ofni, 1986 [catalogue Dieter Roth Verlag]
RICHARD LONG, A Walk Past Standing Stones, 1980 [leporello]
JACQUELINE DE JONG, invitation, 1992 [invitation]
JEAN-MICHEL BASQUIAT, Samo, 1981 [invitation card]
GERHARD RÜHM, portrait, 1996 [colour photo]
KATHY TEMIN, stack of cards, 1995
JOHN M ARMLEDER, ‘Event & Exhibit’, 1991 [hand-out]
TIM NOBLE – SUE WEBSTER, Masters of the Universe, 2000 [poster]
MEVIS & VAN DEURSEN, Uitnodiging!, 1993 [poster]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Uitnodiging!, 1993 [handkerchief]
JONATHAN MONK, The making of ten posters, ten languages, ten colours, ten words, ten euros, 2011 [set of 10 books]
JONATHAN MONK, Picture Post Card from Post Box Pictured, 2021 [post card, signed]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, invitation cards, announcements, 1985 – 2017 [invites, announcements]
THOMAS A. CLARK, Night’s button badge, 2023 [button]
EDWARD RUSCHA, invite New Paintings, 1973 [exhibition card]
ANSELM KIEFER, Hoffmann von Fallersleben auf Helgoland, 1980 [artist’s book]
HREINN FRIDFINNSSON, a.o. Galerie Balderich poster, 1971
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, ‘Ofrím – ljód eftir Sigurd Gudmundsson’, 1972 [artist’s book]
BERT MCLEAN and DAVID KLOOSTERBOER, Apples and Pears, 2024 [artists book]
OLIVIER MOSSET, Untitled, 2022 [print, silk screen]
YOKO ONO, War is over!, 2022 [magnet]
SYLVIE FLEURY, portrait of a gallerist [wearing bow tie by John M Armleder], 1991
JONATHAN MONK, Picture Post Card Posted From post Box Pictured, 2011 [post card]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, It comes and goes, 2024 [photo print]
LOUISE LAWLER, Pollyanna (adjusted to fit, distorted for the times, more) 2007/ 2008/2012/2018, 2018 [digital photo print]
ERIC ANDERSEN, set of 4 badges, 2012
GERHARD RICHTER, Line Color Rainbow Mini Skirt, 2023 [skirt]
GERHARD RICHTER, Abstract Cover Mini Skirt, 2023 [skirt ]
RICHARD PRINCE, Greeting Cards, 2011 [3 cards, signed]
GERHARD RICHTER, Gerhard Richter, 2023 [signed book, slipcase]
CLAUDE CLOSKY, 2000 attempts to draw a small circle, 1998
JILL MAGID, Rhinestoning Headquarters, 2002 [announcement of performance]
LAWRENCE WEINER, Some Things Brought To Hand, 1995 [XL poster]
HREINN FRIDFINNSSON, invitation, 1993 [embossed invitation card]
DAVID HORVITZ, Galerie Morille, 2017 [2 email prints]
CHRISTOPH BUECHEL, invitation to exhibit, 2002 [digital print of mail]
LAWRENCE WEINER, Relative to Hanging, 1975 [artist’s book]
YANN SÉRANDOUR, Cahier Clairefontaine, 2006 [Cahier Clairefontaine + drawing]
LEE MCDONALD, Fragmented Test 2645, 2023 [edition CUT magazine about art]
RICHARD SERRA, “Notebooks”, Vol. 1-5, 2011 [set of 5 books]
SALIM BAYRI, vase, 2019 [ceramic]
SARAH LUCAS, “Cigarette gnome”, “Denim” and “Jesus and Cigarette”, 2009 [ set of 3 mugs]
DAMIEN HIRST, Virtue, 2008 [mug]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Beach Pouch Gra, 2022 [linen beach pouch]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Splash, 2023 [print on umbrella]
EMO VERKERK, exhibition card, 1987 [Art & project Bulletin 131]
EMO VERKERK, exhibition card, 1987 [exhibition card]
PETER HALLEY, Paintings 1982 – 1991, 1992 [announcement card, SMA]
ANDY WARHOL, Bilder der 60er – 80er Jahre und frühe Drucke, eine Hommage, 1985 [invitation, incl. flyer]
ANDY WARHOL, Myths & More, 1982 [invitation card – preview]
gerlach en koop, Een sculptuur van zes meter lang, 2008 [booklet + photograph]
JONATHAN BOROFSKY, 2 invites, 1982 [exhibition cards + additions]
AERNOUT MIK, Voorwerp, achter te laten in treinen, 1992 [cassette, photograph]
ROMAN SIGNER, Rotes Tuch, 2021 [artist’s book]
MONIEK TOEBOSCH, 15 minuten solozang, invitation, 1977 [invite Other Books and So, Amsterdam]
DAVID HORVITZ, Untitled (la Grande Salinette), 2023 [postcard with glued on sand]
MARCEL BROODTHAERS, Musée d’Art Moderne à Vendre 1970-1971 pour cause de faillite, 1971 [printed matter]
GERHARD RICHTER, 100 Abstract paintings, 2023 [artist’s book]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Op naar een nieuwe wereld!, 2004 [signed edition]
HANS KOETSIER, Advertisements 1969-1981, 1984 [artist’s book + 16 newspaper prints]
OLIVIER MOSSET, Biennale di Venezia, 1990 [catalogue]
SYLVIE FLEURY, press release Galerie van Gelder, Amsterdam, 1992 [printed matter]
PIERO MANZONI, Merda d’artista 1961, 2013 [artist’s shit, edition]
JAAP KRONEMAN, Untitled (table light), 2023
SIGMAR POLKE, Kartoffelköppe (Mao + LBJ), 1964 [post card, signed]
SIGMAR POLKE, Schokoladenbild, 1964 [postcard, signed]
KIMBALL GUNNAR HOLTH, I have spoken to a banker, 2022 [video film]
MATTHEW LUTZ-KINOY, Bathrobe Baden-Baden, 2013 [bathrobe with drawing, signed]
San Diego University, invitations, posters, 1988-1998 [printed matter]
TAKAKO SAITO, Fluxsock, 1992 [signed, dated]
R.W. VAN DE WINT, label met handtekening, 1988 [signature on label]
JONATHAN MONK, The making of ten posters, 2011 [artist’s book + signed polaroid]
MATTHEW LUTZ-KINOY, 2 cups and spoon, n.d. [2011, ceramics]
SIGMAR POLKE, Ohne Titel (Kuss, Kuss), 1965 [postcard, signed]
SIGMAR POLKE, Ohne Titel, 1994 [postcard, signed]
MERLYN PARIDAEN, Hmm, Tja, Euh, Ach, Tss, Pff (2012), 2022 [6 pins]
ENDRE TÓT, Very Special Drawings, 1981 [artist’s book, signed]
SIEGFRIED CREMER, Winkelbild, 1978 [catalogue + drawing, signed]
THOMAS SCHMIT, Erster Entwurf, 1989 [signed + ink drawing]
LOUWRIEN WIJERS, Kookboek voor natuurvoeding en makrobiotiek (deel 1), 2011 [photo copies + marker]
KEVIN OSBORN, Real Lush, 1981 [artist’s book, signed]
JCJ VANDERHEYDEN, letter, n.d. [1999]
LOUWRIEN WIJERS, Art sprouts as a bloom, 1972 [edition, signed]
ROB SCHOLTE, De Angst!, n.d. [jigsaw puzzle, 2004]
AHMET ÖGÜT, Reisepass, 2008 [On The Road To Other Lands, signed]
WILLEM DE RIDDER, untitled, n.d., [print on canvas, 1962-2019]
ELVIRE BONDUELLE, WPSB #5, 2019 [artist’s book]
GUGLIELMO ACHILLE CAVELLINI, n.d. [self-historificated CV, ca 1975]
DAAN VAN GOLDEN, two statements, 1987 [photo copies]
JILL MAGID, Lincoln Ocean Victor Eddy, 2007 [signed]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Niente, purtroppo!, 1975 [signed, dedicated to Ulises Carrión]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, The John Armleder is a vegetarian book, 1973-’75 [artist’s book, signed]
ROB SCHOLTE, @, 2016 [object]
JOSEPH BEUYS, Werke aus Münchener Sammlungen, 1981 [invite, signed]
GEORGE MACIUNAS, Flux Stationary – letter and glove, 1973 [multiple]
GILBERT & GEORGE, Six Plants, n.d. [book page, signed]
DIETER ROTH, Durchsägtes Farbphänomen, 1986 [book page, signed]
CLAES OLDENBURG, n.d. [print, signed]
JOSEPH BEUYS, Zeichen aus dem Braunraum III, 1984 [post card, signed]
LOUWRIEN WIJERS, persbericht, 2011 [printed matter]
TAKAKO SAITO, invitation, 2023 [Kunstmuseum Bochum, Germany]
JONATHAN MONK, Picture Post Card from Post Box Pictured, 2005 [ICA, London, UK]
MICHAEL ASHER, Série de 16 cartes postales de Michael Asher, 1991 [16 post cards]
DAAN VAN GOLDEN, untitled, 2017 [Souvenir]
DOROTHY IANNONE, Put Out The Light, 2022 [match box XXL]
LEE MCDONALD, Window – green, 2021 [test 2219]
GALERIE VAN GELDER Bericht 1, 1992 [news letter]
LUIS CRUZ AZACETA, invitation card, 1996 [invite “Self as Another”]
RUCHAMA NOORDA, Rx, 2014 [edition for CUT magazine, issue 12]
KERRY JAMES MARSHALL, invitation, 1997 [invitation, leaflet]
ROB SCHOLTE, untitled, not dated [2 cards]
ULAY/MARINA ABRAMOVIÇ, The Sun and the Moon, 1987 [announcement]
OTOBONG NKANGA, Open Ateliers Rijksakademie, 2002 [exhibition card]
JILL MAGID, Open Ateliers Rijksakademie, 2002 [exhibition card]
JILL MAGID, Bring back The Glam, 2002 [digital colour print]
SYLVIE FLEURY, Vital perfection, 1991 [catalogue, mint condition]
SYLVIE FLEURY, Formule One Dress, 1999 [post card]
MIKE KELLEY, invite Replay: la sphere punk, 2006 [invite]
CLAUDE CLOSKY, Concrete Poetry, 2021 [artist’s book]
CLAUDE CLOSKY, Invisible Books, 2022 [set of 5 postcards]
ELVIRE BONDUELLE, Maison Voiture Chien, 2019 [artist’s book]
OLIVIER MOSSET, Sans titre, 1995 [etching]
BOB and ROBERTA SMITH, Art Is The New Rock’n’Roll, 2022 [tote bag]
JONATHAN MEESE, Nabob zu Nabob = D.A.F. (Menschheit), 2000 [edition Texte zur Kunst]
JONATHAN MONK, Picture Post Card from Post Box Pictured, 2006 [Jan Mot, Brussels]
KIMBALL GUNNAR HOLTH, Cut-out, 2022 [photo edition]
DAVID HAMMONS, a.o., invites, 2019 [Hauser & Wirth]
RONI HORN, invites, 2018 [Hauser & Wirth]
ISA GENZKEN, invite, 2020 [invite Hauser & Wirth]
LIONEL ESTÈVE, invite, 2005 [Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris
ELMGREEN & DRAGSET, Would You Like Your Eggs A Little Different This Morning?, 2006 [invite]
JOËLLE TUERLINCKX, “Openstelling”, 1997 [invitation + leporello]
JOËLLE TUERLINCKX, invitation card, 1999
JEFF WALL, invitation card, 1984 [Basler Kunstverein]
LAWRENCE WEINER, Water & Sand / Sticks & Stones, 1993 [cotton label]
JENNY HOLZER, Truisms, in “Stickers Vol.2”, 2019-2022 [incl. 16 pages with stickers]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Roll over, 2022 [badge]
STEVEN PARRINO, postcard, 1993 [post stamped card]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Then, now, and then, 2022 [catalogue, English text]]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Then, now, and then, 2022 [catalogue, Nederlandse tekst]
YANN SÉRANDOUR, Cahiers Clairefontaine, 2006
JONATHAN MONK, People Looking At Art, 2021 [concertina artist’s book]
SYLVIE FLEURY, Frisbee, 2022 [bikini]
IAN PAGE, Stool, 2021 [open edition]
TAKAKO SAITO, hand out by Takako on 14 July in Wiesbaden, 2022 [part of performance]
JENNY HOLZER, Truisms, 2019 [stickers sheet]
TAMÁS ST. AUBY, Subsist.ence Level St.andard Project 1984, 2013
ERIC ANDERSEN, ‘Great occupation, but very few plants’, 2013
XIE NANXING, untitled, 2005 [print, Contemporary-magazine edition]
LUC DELAHAYE, untitled [Ordinary Meeting of the Conference], ca 2006 [print]
WERNER REITERER, Public art project for Manhattan/New York, 2005 [print, Contemporary edition]
DAVID HORVITZ, Write a letter to the moon, 2019 [2 postcards]
SYLVIE FLEURY, Scandal – Hot Rod, 2022 [beach towel]
GERHARD RICHTER, Gerhard Richter, 1969 [catalogue Gegenverkehr ]
KRISTJÁN GUDMUNDSSON, Equal-time lines, invitation In-Out Centre [1974]
AD GERRITSEN, Een gescreende Marinus van der Lubbe, 1972
KLAAS KLOOSTERBOER, The Rules & The Game, 2022 [catalogue]
SYLVIE FLEURY, untitled, ca 2004 [print, Contemporary edition]
ELLEN GALLAGHER, untitled, 2005 [print, Contemporary edition]
RONI HORN, Her, Her, Her & Her, 2004 [print, Contemporary edition]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, ‘Nieuw werk’, 1988 [invitation card]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, invitation card ‘Six Logo’s around the carpet’, 1991
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Black Noise, 2017 [tribute to STEVEN PARRINO]
UGO RONDINONE, 2000-2005 [Contemporary, print]
KEES VAN GELDER, Multiples – manifest in 84 woorden, 2019 [Dutch version]
KEES VAN GELDER, Multiples – manifesto 90 words, 2019 [English version]
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, fax pages, 1999 [opening CEAC, Xiamen]
HREINN FRIDFINNSSON, Mid-Night Jump, 1975 [unique vintage photos]
KRISTJAN GUDMUNDSSON, poster, 1972 [poster]
HETTY HUISMAN, “Een brief aan Pyth, dus niet aan Jan en Klaas” [1984]
HETTY HUISMAN, From Void to Void to Void to Void, 1982 [lecture at De Appel]
HETTY HUISMAN, Gebruikersniveau / User level, January 1987 [drawing]
HOLLANDSE WEEK 4-11 juni, De Appel, 1976 [folio with 15 sheets]
TAKAKO SAITO, Wassermusik, 2000
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Voetbal, 1995 [VHS tape, signed, numbered]
STEINGRÍMUR EYFJÖRD KRISTMUNDSSON, Three Icelandic Artist, 1982 [catalogue]
ANA MENDIETA, The Silueta Series 1973-1980, 1993 [poster]
ELIZABETH PEYTON, Tony sleeping, 2000 [artist’s book]
DAVID MAYOR, Fourteen pages, n.d. [1973]
SYLVIE FLEURY a.o., 1993 [invitation card]
KRISTJAN GUDMUNDSSON, Punktar / Periods, 1972 [artist’s book, signed]
STANLEY BROUWN, 1000 mm 879 mm, 1978 [artist’s book]
LILY VAN DER STOKKER, How I Went to New York 1983 – 1992, 2022 [book, autobiography]
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, The Universe is a Poem, 2021 [here signed]
BEN VAUTIER, Stencils de Ben 1963-1969, 1969 [stencils in folder]
MARI REIJNDERS, Done and Dusted, 2021 [postcard, signed, numbered]
ELVIRE BONDUELLE, You are a Tombola winner!, 2012 [mail print]
ANDY WARHOL, Mao, 1974 [wallpaper, double portrait]
RAPHAËL LANGMAIR, Again (Monochrome), 2022
BEN VAUTIER, Je doute, donc je suis, n.d. [drawing, ca 2017]
FELIX GONZALEZ-TORRES, Untitled, 1991 [artist’s book]
RICHARD LONG, A Straight Hundred Mile Walk in Australia, 1977 [artist’s book]
ADITYIA MANDAYAM, The Ooze, 2018 [book, signed]
ANITA DI BIANCO, The Error is Regretted, 2021
GERHARD RICHTER, Abstract Painting 825-II 69 Details, 1996 [artist’s book]
GERHARD RICHTER, Sils, 1992 [artist’s book, signed, numbered]
WILLEM DE RIDDER, Als u deze kaart ontvangt…, [Fluxus event card, n.d.]
JOHN BROWN, The Vikings, 1980 [artist’s book]
EL LISSITZKY, badge, 1990
SALIM BAYRI, Slaap Lekker, 2022 [T-shirt]
WILLEM DE RIDDER, Wenn Du diese Karte erhälst,…, nd [2012]
WILLEM DE RIDDER, Schau Dich bitte um…, nd [2012]
WILLEM DE RIDDER, Bitte gib diese Karte der Person zurück…, nd [2012]
PIETER LAURENS MOL, studio view D, [ca 1990]
PIETER LAURENS MOL, studio view C[ca 1990]
PIETER LAURENS MOL, studio view B [ca 1990]
PIETER LAURENS MOL, studio view A [ca 1990]
PIETER LAURENS MOL, name tag of studio doorbell, 1990
TWAN JANSSEN, Still, stage property # 98013, 1998 [VHS tape]
MIKE KELLEY, The Destroy All Monsters Assortment, 2002 [bag + added envelope]
YOKO ONO, 20 postcards – Drawing from Franklin Summer, 1995 [20 postcards, envelope]
YAYOI KUSAMA, Pumpkin, 2019 [bath mat – small]
BERT FRINGS, Schilderijen/Paintings, 2021 [catalogue]
CADY NOLAND, The Clip-on Method, 2021 [artist’s book, 2 volumes]
ULISES CARRIÓN, party in Banstraat, late 1970’s [photo]
KLAUS VOM BRUCH ?, no title, ca 1981-1985 [VHS cassette + 4 photo’s]
KEN LUM, Speculations, 1992 [artist’s book, signed]
HENK PEETERS, Zero stamp, 2011 [Nul postzegel]
JAMES LEE BYARS, The Perfect Question, 1981 [newspaper announcement]
JAMES LEE BYARS, invitation card, 1981 [Galerie Helen van der Meij]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Luchtvaart Vijfje, 2019 [silver coin]
JAMES LEE BYARS, The Palace of Good Luck, 1989 [multiple, invitation]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Hear there, everywhere, 1989-1990 [screen print on postcard]
MARTIN CREED, ‘I Can’t Move’ CD, 1999 [invite, order form]
MARINA ABRAMOVIC, Clean The House!, 1994 [screen print, signed]
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Situations, 2000 [9 postcards]
CARSTEN HÖLLER, Zukunft ist wichtiger als Freizeit., 1989 [28 match boxes]
HANNES VAN ES, invite, Amsterdam, 1986 [exhibition card]
DIETER ROTH, Bastel-Novelle, 1992 [Volume 35, signed, dated]
HANNES VAN ES, Clear view on several black stains, 1987 [installation photo]
HANNES VAN ES, portrait 1986 [photo print]
HANNES VAN ES, Great illusion productions, 1991 [vintage photo copy]
WALTER DAHN, signed label for “Crowns”, 1989 [woolen carpet]
VALÉRIE BELIN, Black Women II (Untitled), 2006 [signed]
RICHARD PRINCE, Skull Bunny shopping bag, 1991 [signed]
HRAFNHILDUR ARNARDÓTTIR, Shoplifter, 2019 [Tote bag]
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Apple, flower, 1973-2000 [press photo]
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Composition, 1978-2000 [press photo]
DAVID HAMMONS, Rousing the Rubble, 1991
HANNES VAN ES, Selfportrait, 1973 [black and white photo]
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Editions, 2015 [mail]
HARRY HOOGSTRATEN, invitation, 1986
VIKTOR & ROLF, Fashion Video, 1998 [invitation]
MICHAEL GIBBS, Extinction, 1974 [booklet]
CAREL VISSER, invitation card, 1987
CAREL VISSER, invitation card, 1983
JÖRG IMMENDORFF, Brandenburger Tor Weltfrage, 1982 [artist’s book]
MARINA ABRAMOVIÇ and ULAY, Nightsea Crossing, 1982 [proposal]
SALIM BAYRI, Moving Archive, 2021 [text in museum hall]
SALIM BAYRI, Museum Salim, 2021 [flyer]
HILMA AF KLINT, Secret pictures by Hilma Klint, 1988 [catalogue]
PETER VAN BEVEREN, Le Retour de Marco Polo, 1989 [press release]
ROBERT RAUSCHENBERG, “Art meets Science and Spirituality”, 1990 [brochure]
CLAUDE CLOSKY, invitation “Guili guili”, 1997 [invitation]
MAGNÚS S. GUDMUNDSSON, invitation card, 1992
CARSTEN HÖLLER, Galerie Porte Avion, 1992 [invitation card]
SALIM BAYRI, Let the blue in, 2018 [screen print + AR app for Android]
JONATHAN MONK, Measurements, 2021 [NAK Edition – Postkarten]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Daar is de zon, 2021
JONATHAN MONK, Picture Post Card from Post Box Pictured, 2006 [Nothing Else Press, Toronto]
JONATHAN MONK, Picture Post Card from Post Box pictured, 2005 [Yvon Lambert, Paris]
ALISON KNOWLES, Bread and Water, 1992 [glove + tag]
JONATHAN MEESE, ‘Stirnband ‘Bruzzzelee’, Shing Shang Scheu, 2009
SALIM BAYRI, Sad Ali, 2021 [3D print]
JAROSLAW KOZLOWSKI, Lesson, 1975 [Lesson]
VAAST COLSON-W wh at*, 2015 [overeenkomst]
JACQUELINE DE JONG, analogue Kodak photo, 1988
WJM KOK, I (Monochrome with Assistant), 2020 [purple]
KOENRAAD DEDOBBELEER, 2011, Munari [screen print]
JAAP KRONEMAN, Untitled, 1995 [screen print girl’s T-shirt]
Artists’ books from Iceland, 1983 [catalogue]
FELIX GONZALEZ-TORRES, Untitled (Passport II), 1993
SYLVIE FLEURY, Vital perfection, 1991 [catalogue]
HARRY HOOGSTRATEN, Rock & Roll, 1993 [hand-out]
ULISES CARRIÓN, Gossip, Scandal, and Good Manners, 1980 [hand-out]
ULISES CARRIÓN, De Diefstal Van Het Jaar, 1982 [announcement]
ULISES CARRIÓN, Anonymous Quotations, 1979 [invite]
SOL LEWITT, Sunrise & Sunset at Praiano, 1980 [artist’s book]
RAYMOND PETTIBON, Are Your Motives Pure?, 2014 [catalogue]
HANS KOETSIER, Markt 17, Enschede, 1967 [booklet]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Cercle et Carré, 1987 [light sculpture]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Furniture Sculpture 193, Caprice, 1988 [bowling ball]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Furniture Sculpture 267, 1991 [tubes]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Furniture Sculpture 191, 1988 [cat-bed]
NELLY VAN DOESBURG, list of Sammlung Nelly van Doesburg, Paris, 1986
LAWRENCE WEINER, Some things brought to hand, 1996 [leaflet]
HETTY HUISMAN, inventory list, 1984
WJM KOK, Monochrome 360º (Revaleiland), 2020 [card]
JCJ VANDERHEYDEN, Zilveren Spiegel, 1991
MAX KLINGER, Le Théâtre de l’Étrange, Les suites gravées, 1879–1915, 2012 [catalogue]
LAWRENCE WEINER, Under den Linden, 1994 [postcard]
LAWRENCE WEINER, Thrown someplace, 1991
THOMAS RUFF, Sterne, 01h 55m/-30º, 1989 [signed postcard]
Editions & Communications marginales d’Amerique Latine, 1977
BEA McMAHON, Jesus and chlorophyll, 2012
BEA McMAHON, Bracket, 2011 [booklet]
BEN VAUTIER, Anything Anyhow / n’Importe Quoi n’Importe Comment [1972]
Rubber Vol. 2, nr 9, 1979 [Ken Friedman]
BEN VAUTIER, Une seule note suffit, 1966
BEN VAUTIER, Cher, 1966 [prefabricated letter]
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Un Mobile, 1979-2000 [analogue photo for press]
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Event, 1975-2000 [analogue photo for press]
FRANZ GRAF, Schauraum : Kunstraum, 1992
Vereniging van Videokunstenaars, 1981 and 1983 [bulletins]
RELLY TARLO and JACOBA BEDAUX, invitation, 1983
VIKTOR & ROLF, 2019 [Christmas hanger – bow]
ULISES CARRIÓN, Vereniging van Videokunstenaars bulletin maart-april, 1983
JAN DIBBETS, On May 9 (friday),… , 1969 [“X” postcard]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Ecart, 1992 [screen print on card]
GILBERT & GEORGE, Living Sculpture, 1969 [postcard]
GILBERT & GEORGE, Living Sculpture [1969], 1993 [signed postcard]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Associated Publishers, 1992 [card]
LONE HAUGAARD MADSEN, untitled, 2011 [postcard]
DAVID SHRIGLEY, DDWOPT Idiot, 1996 [with felt pen drawing]
KIMBALL GUNNAR HOLTH, Tile painting: Blue, 2020
Intimacy, 2020 [Gold Edition, signed]
JOEP VAN LIESHOUT, 3000 Prefabricated sanitary units for application of mobile-homes, 1992
ULISES CARRIÓN, The Muxlows, 1978
LAWRENCE WEINER, AMS Multiple – Art Meets Science, 1992 [unique drawing]
LAWRENCE WEINER, brochure AMS Multiple – Art Meets Science, 1992 [booklet]
VINH PHÚÓNG, Branche, 1991 [silver wall object]
ANDY WARHOL, Interview, April 1992 [magazine]
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Fjörvit, 1996 [signed bag]
HANNES VAN ES, Masterpieces and other stuff, n.d. [ca 2000]
NAN GOLDEN, Nan Golden backstage, 2002
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Switch, 2020 [light box]
HETTY HUISMAN, Letters to friends, 1977 [invite Other Books and So]
MICHAEL CARDENA, invitation card Mazzo, Amsterdam, 1981 [invitation card]
THOM PUCKEY, invitations for exhibitions, 1982-1988
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Sphinx d’Or Awards, 1973 [cards]
MAURIZIO NANNUCCI, Decoding Different Directions, 1999 [edition Texte zur Kunst]
BEN VAUTIER, N’importe qui peut avoir une idée, 1993 [Opinel kitchen knife]
JOHN M ARMLEDER / PATRICK LUCCHINI, Leathern Wing Scribble Press, 1978
LEE MCDONALD, Maqqeta True Whistle, 2020
CHRISTIAN BOLTANSKI, Point d’Ironie, 2010
PIERRE LEGUILLON, The Museum of Mistakes, 2020
KIMBALL GUNNAR HOLTH, Trying to look for the right words, 2020 [card]
KIMBALL GUNNAR HOLTH, Still not painting??, 2020 [Parker pen]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, White Plate, 2020 [dinner plate]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, White Cup, 2020
WJM KOK, Magic Mug, 2020
SALIM BAYRI, IAN PAGE and ÖZGÜR ATLAGAN, Wet rent wrong, 2020 [version A]
IAN PAGE, YSL, 2019 [artist’s book]
TAKAKO SAITO, Die Tuschzeichnung auf dem Düsseldorfer Wasser, 1984 [Nr. 18]
TAKAKO SAITO, Die Tuschzeichnung auf dem Düsseldorfer Wasser, 1984 [Nr. 20]
TAKAKO SAITO, Die Tuschzeichnung auf dem Düsseldorfer Wasser, 1984 [Nr. 37]
DAVID HORVITZ, Mood disorder, 2015
WJM KOK & ROSA JOHANNA, Composition for four fingers, 2017
DAVID HORVITZ, Everything that can happen in a day, 2008 [poster]
LAWRENCE WEINER, Broken off, Abgebrochen (oder) Aufgebrochen, 1989 [postcard, signed]
LAWRENCE WEINER, (&) so weiter, 1991 [post card, signed]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, White Plate, 2020 [dinner plates, cups and saucers]
LUKAS DUWENHÖGGER & JULIAN GÖTHE, Eine kleine Kantate, 1993 [invitation card]
CHRISTOPH BUECHEL, Free Manifesta, 2002 [eBay bidding + mail]
Mülheimer Freiheit; Die Seefahrt und der Tod, 1981 [set of 6 brochures]
THOMAS HIRSCHHORN, Un-shared Authorship, 2015 [poster, Sunday # 38]
IRIS S. VAN GELDER, Show Ane, 2007 [catalogue T.I.S.T.]
BEAT STREULI, “Portraits Tarragona” 96/1, 1996 [VHS film]
DIETER ROTH, Heidelberg Blick, 1969 [postcard, signed]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Plat du Jour, 1993 [voucher, signed]
BEN VAUTIER, Étonnez moi, 2014 [agenda]
IRIS S. VAN GELDER, Beat the air, De grote Belofte, a.o. 2007-2008 [films]
IRIS S. VAN GELDER, Communication, Control freak, Reisplan, a.o., 2006-2007 [films]
GEOFFREY HENDRICKS, Five Found Photos, 1978 [artist’s book]
MARINUS BOEZEM, Paper Events, 1970 [signed artist’s book + envelope]
JOHN LIGGINS, My hidden feelings, 1975 [multiple]
LIDA ABDUL, first photographic monograph of Lida Abdul, 2008 [signed]
RAÚL MARROQUIN, invitation card “Original Books”, 1976 [invitation card]
THOMAS HIRSCHHORN, À propos de mon exposition à la galerie de Jeu de Paume, 1994 [stapled picture book]
LARS LAUMANN, Diese Schallplatte enthält Musik von Dan-Ola Persson, geschrieben und aufgenommen für die Videos von Lars Laumann, 2008-2010, 2010
TIME BASED ARTS, Videotape Performance Installation, catalogue, 1984
MATTHIEU LAURETTE, This is a portrait of Nicholas Logsdail, Alex Logsdail & Greg Hilty, if I say so, 2020 [pdf file]
ZEGER REYERS, All The Stars in the Sky, 2007 [vinyl, signed]
FELIX GONZALEZ-TORRES, Catalogue Raisonné, 1997 [Vol. 1 + 2]
ROGER RAVEEL, Roger Raveel tekent over het tekenen van Roger Raveel, 1983
THE ARCHIVES – Art Information Centre Peter van Beveren, 1981
BILL MITCHELL, Azonic I – A drawing by Bill Mitchell, 1974
JONATHAN MEESE, Blue Nick, 1999 [drawing on photo]
ELVIRE BONDUELLE, Youpie, 2013 [hand made tote bag]
MARTHA HAWLEY, Index, 1981 [Waiting a Picture]
OLIVIER MOSSET, Untitled, 1998 [dollar sign]
KLAAS KLOOSTERBOER, invitation, ca 1984 [uitnodiging]
PAUL BERGTOLD, Machine Art, 1968 [S.M.S., signed]
LUCY LIPPARD-editor, 557,087, Seattle, 1969 / 955,000, Vancouver, 1970
Schema Informazione 2, 1974 [magazine Galleria Schema]
CADY NOLAND, No Land, 2018 [book]
WJM KOK, Post it, 2015 [postcard]
CHRISTIAN MARCLAY, More Encores, 1989 [LP, vinyl]
JIRI VALOCH, Symmetrical concept, 1972
JIRI VALOCH, Eye Piece XIII, 1978-1979
JIRI VALOCH, Study of identification, 1972
JIRI VALOCH, Do it yourself I – signs + Do it yourself II – dialogues, 1972
MILAN KNIZAK, invitation, 1980
JEFF KOONS, Cracked Egg (Blue), 2006 [invitation card Gagosian Gallery]
CHRISTIAN MARCLAY, business card, 1996
JAAP KRONEMAN, Krop Sla, 2006 [Head of Lettuce]
BARBARA KRUGER, Business as usual, 2019 [metal pin]
PIPILOTTI RIST, Pepperminta, 2005 [box with printed matter]
OLIVIER MOSSET, Untitled (Rain Forest), 2019 [screen print]
LILY VAN DER STOKKER, Ik ben even boodschappen doen, 1998
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Untitled, 2019 [wallpaper]
FRANZ ERHARD WALTHER, Find a purpose for the pocket, 1969 [unsigned]
TANDORI DEZSÓ, instructions for hanging, 2004 [letter]
TANDORI DEZSÖ, The Agnostic Extentialist, 2004
BARBARA KRUGER, Untitled (Kiss), 2019 [Artek stool]
RAÚL MARROQUIN, Changing Personalities, 1974 [artist’s book]
ULISES CARRIÓN, Trios & Boleros, announcement card, 1983
RAÚL MARROQUIN, persbericht, 1987 [Dutch press release]
RAÚL MARROQUIN, The Lone Ranger – invite / entrance ticket Mazzo, 1985
RAÚL MARROQUIN, Mad-Enterprises Inc., performance at the Appel, 1976 [script]
RAÚL MARROQUIN, Dossier Castillo & Discovery, 1987 [Mazzo invitation card]
ULISES CARRIÓN, Other Books, exhibition catalogue [The Living Art Museum], 1980
ULISES CARRIÓN, Bókasyning / Bookshow, 1980 [invitation card]
ALLAN KAPROW, announcement, 1977
RAÚL MARROQUIN, The Link – invitation / entrance ticket, 1982
RAÚL MARROQUIN, announcement, n.d. [Vereniging VFG]
RAÚL MARROQUIN, Fandangos – extra, 1980 [magazine]
JEAN-MARIE FAHY, Just visiting, 2019 [artist’s books]
JONATHAN MONK, Another copy of Richard Hamilton Whitley Bay-1965, 2015 [12 postcards]
ALBERTO COLLA – Aprite il Fuoco / for Edition Gaffa, 2019 [zine]
Gaffa Magazin, 2017-2019 [4 zines]
Gaffa Magazin, #20, 2018 – August
LAWRENCE WEINER, Caught between ships passing in the night, 1999 [multiple, textile]
STEFAN BRÜGGEMANN, Showtitles, 2016 [artist’s book]
CORINNE VIONNET, Souvenirs d’un glacier, 2019
WJM KOK, Off Color (Crimson), 2019
ANITA DI BIANCO, Corrections and Clarifications, 2001-2019
ANNAÏK LOU PITTILOUD, White Between The Darlings, 2014 [leporello postcards]
DARIO FORLIN, Stay Healthy, 2019 [Tote bag]
NOKUKHANYA LANGA, 25 m2 + a gallerist, 2018
JONAS WOOD, Untitled, 2019 [tote bag]
DO HO SUH, Untitled, 2019 [tote bag]
YAYOI KUSAMA, I Love Lots of Dots, 2019 [tote bag]
TAKAKO SAITO, Takako’s, 2019 [tote bag]
GENERAL IDEA, shopping bag, 1990
ALISON KNOWLES, Fortune, 1980 [fortune cookie]
MARLENE DUMAS, Strips – No interviews please, 1987
ROBERT BARRY, Over Time, 2019
SOPHIE NYS, Wanted Librarian, 2017 [inlay]
GERHARD RICHTER, Tote bag, 2019 – number 2
GERHARD RICHTER, Throw pillow, 2019 – number 2
GERHARD RICHTER, Throw pillow, 2019 [number 3]
YAYOI KUSAMA, Pumpkin stickers Yellow/Black, glossy, 2019 [3 sheets]
YAYOI KUSAMA, Pumpkin stickers Yellow/Black – glossy, 2019
YAYOI KUSAMA, Purse, 2019
ROBERT WATTS, Permanent Parking Decal, 1968 [sticker]
YAYOI KUSAMA, Love Forever, ca 2018 [mini mirror]
YAYOI KUSAMA, Untitled, 2004 [stickers]
Rubber, 1979, Vol. 2, no.2 [issue on 4 Brazilian artists]
JOSEPH BEUYS, Zeichen aus dem Braunraum I – VI, 1984 [6 signed postcards]
Rubber, 1978, ‘Ulises Carrión’, Vol. 1, no. 6 [bulletin]
ERIC ANDERSEN, For Your Comfort, 1980
Rubber, 1979, ‘Diter Rot’, Vol. 2, no. 5 [bulletin]
JAAP KRONEMAN, Writing my memories at seventeen, 2006 [DVD + 6 objects]
HANNES VAN ES, Hannes van Es Talks To Louwrien Wijers, 1986 [machine typed text]
HANNES VAN ES, invitation, 1980 [Fundació Joan Miró]
HANNES VAN ES, Performance, poster [1977]
DOROTHY IANNONE, A Thousand and One Songs for Erik Bock, 2019 [multiple]
GUGLIELMO ACHILLE CAVELLINI, Untitled, 1973 [screen print on canvas, signed]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Concert piece project, 1975 [postal card]
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Event, 2000 [poster]
TAKAKO SAITO, Games, 1976 [hand made folder]
NEL AERTS, The Servant Serves, 2019
JUTTA KOETHER & STEVEN PARRINO, E-flux invitation Black Bonds, 2002
OLIVIER MOSSET, Untitled, 1991 [screen print: yellow arrows]
BEN VAUTIER, La vie est un film, 2019 [screen print]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Weather Forecast, 2019 [poster Kunsthal KADE]
PAULINE BOUDRY and RENATE LORENZ, Moving Backwards, 2019 [newspaper]
YOKO ONO, Sognare, 2007 [poster]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, “Weather forecast”, 2019 [film still on coaster]
CANDACE COMPTON, I Would Like to Introduce Myself, n.d. [ca 1970-’75]
ZOE LOENARD / Fierce Pussy, the “List” posters, 1991 [stack of various posters]
ELISE ‘T HART, Instituut voor Huisgeluid, 2019
TWAN JANSSEN, Stage Property # 97118: “Untitled goodwill multiple”, 1997
PAULINE BOUDRY and RENATE LORENZ, Untitled (Moving Backwards), 2019 [multiple]
PAULINE BOUDRY and RENATE LORENZ, Wig Piece, 2019 [multiple, signed]
GERHARD RICHTER, cake plate, 1992 [cake plate]
JOËLLE TUERLINCKX, X X, 1999 [le signe d’une croix ‘X’]
MAURIZIO CATTELAN, Blah, blah, blah, 2018
OLIVIER MOSSET, 56 invitation cards of exhibitions 1972-2010 [in ringbinder]
RAYMOND PETTIBON, Blank / “Long Live the People of the Revolution”, 2005 [LP + cover, signed]
TAKAKO SAITO, You and Me, 1981 [thread spools, box No. 32]
TAKAKO SAITO, Do it Yourself, 1990
OLIVIER MOSSET, Untitled # 3, #4, #5 and #6, 1992 [multiple]
JAN HENDERIKSE, Grand Opening, 2007 [two signed catalogues]
HREINN FRIDFINNSSON, invitations of exhibitions 1972-2010 [invitation cards]
JAN HENDERIKSE / ALEXANDRA PHILLIPS, Pure Propaganda Magazine, 2015 [pop-up cards]
DAVID HORVITZ, Rarely Seen Bas Jan Ader Film, 2009 [DVD]
SALIM BAYRI, Close, 2018 [electric door bell]
AKI-Fluxfest, 1981 [poster]
TAKAKO SAITO, Blaues-Regenbogen-Wein-Schachspiel, 1982 [hand signed, dated]
TAKAKO SAITO, Blaues-Regenbogen-Wein-Schachspiel, 1982 [Edition Hundertmark]
TAKAKO SAITO, A part of Fluxus, 1992
LORIS GRÉAUD, Cellar Door, 2009
YOKO ONO / JOHN LENNON, Wedding Album, 1969 [LP box + inserts]
RUMIKO HAGIWARA, DINA DANISH, JEAN-BAPTISTE MAITRE, Bracket Marble Bracket, 2017 [white version]
RUMIKO HAGIWARA, DINA DANISH, JEAN-BAPTISTE MAITRE, Bracket Marble Bracket, 2017 [grey version]
SYLVIE FLEURY, Hotheels, 1999 [box with postcards, 2 sets]
LILY VAN DER STOKKER, Poor museum has no money, 2018 [sticker]
YOKO ONO, Shadow Pieces, 1991 [8 postcards]
HERMAN DE VRIES, To be, 1974 [post card]
GERWALD ROCKENSCHAUB, Paintings 1984-86, 1988 [catalogue]
LILY VAN DER STOKKER, Decent, tidy, 2014
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Assiettes, 1988
CUT magazine about art, issue #19 (November 2018)
GERHARD RICHTER, Abstract Painting 825-II, 69 Details, 1996 (signed, stamp numbered)
ULISES CARRIÓN, Projekt Clues, 1981
ULISES CARRIÓN, Rob or Marta, n.d. [ca 1981]
YOKO ONO / JOHN LENNON, War Is Over! If you want it, n.d. [1969] poster
JENNY HOLZER, I am Awake in the Place where Women Die, 1996 [multiple; puzzle]
BIRGIR ANDRÈSSON, Eyktarmörk se∂ frá Haekinsdal í Kjós, n.d. [1979]
FANDANGOS – nrs. superb issue!, 1978 [magazine]
JULIEN MONNERIE, untitled, 2018 [multiple]
HANA MILETIĆ, Your façades are peeling off like red onions (words found in Zagreb), 2015
MUNGO THOMSON, Font Study (TIME), 2011 [artist’s book]
PETER FISHLI & DAVID WEISS, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1999 [artist’s book]
BRUD / ADITYIA MANDAYAM, The Ooze, 2018 [book]
DAVID SHRIGLEY, I Like the Way You Move, 2018
ULISES CARRIÓN, The Muxlows, 1978 [artist’s book]
ULISES CARRIÓN, Tell me what sort of wallpaper your room has and I will tell you who you are, 1974
ULISES CARRIÓN, Dancing With You, 1973 [artist’s book]
ULISES CARRIÓN, Arguments, 1973 [artist’s book, signed]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, U 40 drop cloth, 1992 [pizza box, multiple XL]
DAVID SHRIGLEY, Box of Crap, 2017 [tape]
NICOLAUS URBAN, Principle and Material Force, Song for Elephants, 1983 [vinyl]
MARK WALLINGER, “Study for self reflection”, 2018 [invite]
YANN SÉRANDOUR, Folded to Fit, 2018
BEN VAUTIER, Écoutez la mer, 2001 [multiple]
BRUD, Gewgaw, 2018
MARIEKE ELZERMAN, Moises y Noe, 2018 [colour photo]
MICHELANGELO PISTOLETTO, Le Ultime Parole Famose, 1967
CLÉMENT RODZIELSKI, Comment, Mieux, Jouir, Noisette, 2018
CLÉMENT RODZIELSKI, memo book Cyan, Magenta, Jaune, Noire, 2017
GLENN LIGON, Untitled (Barber shop), 2009 [illegal street poster, signed]
ANDY WARHOL, Cow, 1976 [wallpaper; black and white]
ANDY WARHOL, Cow, 1976 [wallpaper; red on black and white]
HENK PEETERS, Mooi!, 2000 [fax print]
GENERAL IDEA, Test Pattern – TV Dinner plate, 1988 [ porcelain]
RICHARD ARTSCHWAGER, BLP, 1978 [set of vinyl stickers]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Underwater I, 2008 [2 tipped in photo prints]
BRUCE NAUMAN, Soundtrack from First Violin Film, 2016 [signed vinyl LP]
GERHARD RICHTER, Schwarz, Rot, Gold I, 1998
HAMISH FULTON, Nepal, 1975 [artist’s book]
JOËLLE TUERLINCKX, Audio and visual days, 2000 [invite-poster]
OLIVIER MOSSET, Untitled, 1992 [multiple-screen print]
Galerie Suspekt, Fotografie van: Artur Barrio, a.o., 1983 [poster]
BOB and ROBERTA SMITH, You there make your own damn art, n.d. [1998]
GIOVANNI ANSELMO, Invisibile, 1998 [invite]
Aorta – Beeldstroom, 1982 [poster]
Sigurdur Gudmundsson, Skúlptúr, n.d. [1972]
Galerie Balderich, offset, 1971 [poster]
JOHN TREMBLAY, f.a.s.t.c.u.b.e., 1998
Space 251 Nord – Investigations 1985 [poster]
JCJ VANDERHEYDEN, catalogue Stedelijk van Abbemuseum, 1970 [signed]
LAWRENCE WEINER, Tracce-Traces, 1970 [artist’s book]
BAS JAN ADER, A work by Bas Jan Ader, 1972 [invitation Art & Project]
MARIEKE ELZERMAN, Marieme / Marieke, 2018 [film]
SALIM BAYRI, Running Time, 2018
SALIM BAYRI, Sad Ali, 2017 [small version]
AI WEIWEI, Study of Perspective – Tiananmen, n.d. [scarf, 2014]
AI WEIWEI, Sunflower Seeds, n.d. [scarf, 2014]
SOL LEWITT, Untitled, n.d. [pin, ca 1990]
WILLEM DE RIDDER, PK lamp, 2017 – Papieren Konstellatie
RÚRÍ, Item: energy, 1978
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Arm Nederland, 2004 [kleine versie]
GERHARD RICHTER, Goslar Kerze, 1988 [signed poster, text]
FRANCK BRAGIGAND, PPP / Painted Plastic Plant Company (mushroom), n.d. [1999]
MARTIN KIPPENBERGER, Pop In, 1987 [7 inch vinyl record, signed]
D. CALVI, Out of Fashion, 1984 [vinyl]
MIKE KELLEY, Love, Theft, Gifting and More Love, 2009 [tattoo patch print]
ROOS THEUWS, untitled, 1988 [multiple]
ROB PRUITT, untitled, 2011 [business card]
KLAAS KLOOSTERBOER. No title, 1992 [disk edition]
LILY VAN DER STOKKER, Good, 2003 – Viktor & Rolf [handbag]
SZABOLCS KISSPÁL, Gap event, 2005 [measuring ribbon]
SYLVIE FLEURY, Vogue, 1992 [Galerie van Gelder Editions]
STEVEN PARRINO, deposit ticket of National Westminster Bank, ca 1993
ULISES CARRIÓN, Alphabet, 1981 [Embryo No. 13 – stack of 20 cards]
HENK PEETERS, Correspondentie 1997-1998 [word play]
THOMAS HUBER, Der Duft des Geldes, 1992 [soap multiple, signed]
LAWRENCE WEINER, Point d’Ironie, 1998 [published by Agnes B.]
TAKAKO SAITO, performance at Galerie van Gelder, 2015 [announcement]
JOELLE TUERLINCKX, Dacht en Nacht Open 24/24 – Open Museum, 1997 [poster]
FELIX GONZALEZ-TORRES, Nowhere better than this place. / Somewhere better than this place, n.d. [2008]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, untitled, n.d. [1992], invisible print
FELIX GONZALEZ-TORRES, Untitled (Double Portrait), 1991 [print from stack]
GENERAL IDEA, General Idea Magi© Bullet, 1992 [signed balloon]
VOEBE DE GRUYTER, Mist Walks 1996-1999, 1999 [artist’s book]
TWAN JANSSEN, Next, 2000 [invitation card]
FRANCIS ALŸS, Lada Kopeika Project, 2014 [postcard]
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Editions, 2017 [rent for March]
WJM KOK, Maxi-Color, 1992 [color book]
Space 251 Nord – Investigations, 1985 [catalogue]
Wjm KOK, Gold Spot, 2006 [closed series of 10]
JONATHAN MONK, The distance between you and me, 2014 [signed postcard]
VIKTOR & ROLF, “Monsieur”, 2004 [S/S half-year publication]
CANDICE BREITZ, Thriller, 2005
HREINN FRIDFINNSSON, House Project, 2007 [print, signed]
NAM JUNE PAIK, Fluxband, 1985 [drawing on print]
SIGMAR POLKE, Ortsbestimmung, 1998 [screen print, signed]
OLIVIER MOSSET & STEVEN PARRINO, “Studio photo”, n.d. [1990]
Sites of multiplied artifacts, April 2017 [photo copy prints]
KLAAS KLOOSTERBOER, Ritueel van de bezetting / Ritual of occupation, 2002 [signed]
OTTO EGBERTS, Verspreide Koppen, 1988 [artist book, signed]
STEVEN PARRINO, catalogue 1990 [Post-it with original drawing]
JOSEPH BEUYS, Holzpostkarte, n.d. [1974], signed
MARTIN CREED, Art is shit., 2017 [tote bag]
MARTIN CREED, Everything is going to be alright – leporello, n.d. [ca 2012]
JOB KOELEWIJN, Inhalatiezalf, 1995 [tin can]
MARK DION, About Space – Souvenirs, 2014 [folio with loose sheets]
JONATHAN MONK, Push or Pull?, 2012
ROB SCHOLTE, De Angst!, 2004 [jigsaw puzzle, signed]
MARTIN CREED, Thinking, not thinking, 2009 [7 inch vinyl]
MARTIN CREED, Say Cheese!, 2017 [brochures]
GERHARD RICHTER, November, 2013
ED RUSCHA, Make New History, 2009 [artist’s book]
ROB PRUITT, Alone (Facing East), alone (Facing West) – Together / Together Alone, 2000
MARCO BAGNOLI, Albe of zonsopgangen, 1984 [invitation]
RAÚL MARROQUIN, Telephone Piece, 1983 [Time Based Arts bulletin]
MIKE PARR, Performance – action, 1983 [poster Time Based Arts]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Untitled, 1984 [painting, coat hanger]
JCJ VANDERHEYDEN, Atelier Concreet, 1992
OLIVIER MOSSET, untitled, 1991 [screen print]
STEVEN PARRINO, untitled, 1993 [Iggy Pop-invite/collage]
HENRYK GAJEWSKI, Audio Child, 1983 + stickers
HENNING CHRISTIANSEN, Klavier – to jump, 1966
YVONNE DRÖGE WENDEL, Item of the Item Store, 2008 [nr 19]
TAKAKO SAITO, Würfelstuhl, 1979
KEITH HARING, Pop Shop pin, 1986
ANSUYA BLOM, Soms is het stil, 1988-’90
JENNY HOLZER, shopping bag with Truisms, 2009 [stickers]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Furniture Sculpture 255, 1991 [engin flottant]
GILBERT & GEORGE, Death after Life, 1987 [puzzle]
STEVEN PARRINO, a.o., photograph in Mèle Chaud ou La Collection en Poche, 1992
A.R. PENCK, Bananenelephant, 1992 [alias Elephant]
YAYOI KUSAMA, Waves, 1994 [etching]
GERHARD RICHTER, Ema (Akt auf einer Treppe), 1966 [signed postcard]
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, With landscape, 1987 [etching]
MARLENE DUMAS, Collective Guilt, 1988 [porcelain cup and saucer, …]
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Editions, 2016 (rent for December)
GERHARD RICHTER, Eight Grey, 2002 [signed monograph]
NICKEL VAN DUIJVENBODEN, A desert warehouse, 2011 [vinyl LP]
KEN LUM, I Can’t Believe I’m in Paris, 2011
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Editions [rent for July], 2016
Eat Your Art Out – Food in the Arts, 2010 [with Alison Knowles, Bernhard J. Blume, a.o.]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, AP, 1995 [sticker]
GERHARD RICHTER, S. mit Kind, 1993 [poster]
LAWRENCE WEINER, Afloat, 1992 [pen in box]
ELVIRE BONDUELLE, Pour faire joli, 2011
BEN VAUTIER, J’écris pour la victoire, pen case [ca 2012]
INTENTIONAL STANCE, 2012, artists book [Eric Bell and others]
JAAP KRONEMAN, Stay tonight, 1994
DAVID HORVITZ, Nobody owns the beach, 2016 [tote bag]
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Edition [rent for November], 2016
KATHY TEMIN, Duck-Rabbit Problem Multiple, 1993
DAN WALWIN, No title, 2016 [table corner piece]
ÉRIC GIRAUDET DE BOUDEMANGE, Hallali sur pied, 2014
ÉRIC GIRAUDET DE BOUDEMANGE, Hallali par terre, 2014
ÉRIC GIRAUDET DE BOUDEMANGE, Hallali courant, 2014
ÉRIC GIRAUDET DE BOUDEMANGE, Hallali dans l’eau, 2014
JOHN M ARMLEDER, The Puma Reality Bag, 2008
KLAAS KLOOSTERBOER, 16168(1-11) – % covered, horizontal and vertical, 2016
ULISES CARRIÓN, Trios & Boleros, 1984 [cassette tape]
DAMIEN HIRST, Kids gift box, n.d. [ca 2014]
DANIEL KNORR, Portrait, n.d. [ca 2006]
TAKAKO SAITO, Play with the sun!, 1993 [sun glasses]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Olivier’s rejects, 1994
HREINN FRIDFINNSSON, invitation Galerie 845, 1972
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Editions, 2016 (rent for September)
BEN PATTERSON, Swan Lake, 2013 [video and multiples]
MIKE MILLS, The Fabric of Events, 2013 [The Thing Quarterly, issue 18]
MIRELLA BENTIVOGLIO, Letraset metaphors, 1978 [invitation]
Other Books And So / ULISES CARRIÓN; Stichting Brummelse Uitgeverij, 1976 [invitation]
JOSEPH BEUYS, Intuition, 1968
ROBERT BARRY, During the exhibition the Kunsthalle will be closed, 2016
KEREN CYTTER, Terrorist of Love, 2016 [video]
HW WERTHER, SOON #HW010 (SOON multiple), 2001
EPHEMERA – No. 6, 1978 [monthly magazine – Ulises Carrión / Aart van Barneveld / Salvador Flores]
VOEBE DE GRUYTER, De emmer, 1994 [photo]
W wh at*, OOC&C, 2016 [set of 13 booklets]
THOMAS RUFF, Gloire au grand Jacques Chirac / Glory to the great Jacques Chirac, 1998
SYLVIE FLEURY, Formula One Dress, 1999 [incl. shoulder bag and protection zip-suitcase]
DIETER ROTH, Der Tränensee [The Lake of Tears], 1973
SYLVIE FLEURY, Edition 120, 1993
JONATHAN MONK, Picture Post Card Posted from Post Box Pictured [Show & Tell Editions, Edinburgh], 2005
GILBERT and GEORGE, 25 Ginkgo Pictures [tote bag], 2005
WILLEM DE RIDDER, De Verdwenen Werken van Willem de Ridder, 2016
YANN SÉRANDOUR, Distorted (essay by Daniel Buren for John Knight’s exhibition catalog “Łeetsoii”) – red, 2016
LILY VAN DER STOKKER, Argument Wall painting (You know what you do?), 1998
ELVIRE BONDUELLE, Cales, 2016 [ 3 parts]
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, three books, 1993-2010
GERHARD RICHTER, Editionen 1965-1993, 1993 [poster edition]
Salon, issue No. 1 [February], 2016
LILY VAN DER STOKKER, Edition Griffelkunst, 2001 [offset, signed in print]
WILLEM DE RIDDER, De Verdwenen Werken van Willem de Ridder, 2016
JOSEPH BEUYS, “Rheinische Bienenzeitung” – Biene in der Kunst, 1975 [edition]
GERHARD RICHTER, Eis, 2016 [artist’s book – facsimile]
GILBERT & GEORGE, The thoughts of Gilbert & George, 2016
OLIVIER MOSSET, Buick Riviera, 2014
OLIVIER MOSSET / George Maciunas, n.d. [heap of confetti ca 1969]
JONATHAN MONK, The making of ten posters, ten languages, ten colours, ten words, ten euros, 2011
ROBERT FILLIOU, dice Eins, Un, One, not dated [1984]
THIERRY DE CORDIER, Les Fragments d’Héraclite selon Thierry De Cordier, 2015 [artist’s book]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Untitled, 1998 [spirograph drawing]
De Kunstkraai, 1988 [tabloid]
MAN RAY, Self portrait, 1974 [poster as sculptural triptych]
MAN RAY, Self Portrait, 1965 [signed autobiography]
GENERAL IDEA, Eye of the Beholder, 1988
TAKAKO SAITO, Hutschachspiel, 1990
JOHN LIGGINS, Elemental Actions, 1974
BILL MITCHELL, Azonic II – A drawing by Bill Mitchell, n.d. [ca 1978] – artist’s book
PETER VAN DE KLASHORST, This show is not against art, 1987 [flyer]
JCJ VANDERHEYDEN, T.V.-checkerboard, 1992 [photo]
ULISES CARRIÓN, removal announcement Other Books and So, 1980
GILBERT & GEORGE, T-shirt, 1990
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Editions [rent for February], 2016
GERHARD RICHTER, Wald, 2008 [artist’s book]
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Editions, 2016 [rent for June]
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Editions, 2015 (rent for November)
MARC BIJL, Flash Art, 2002 [artist’s book + insert]
Edizioni Geiger Books & Tam tam, 1977
MARC BIJL, Flash Art, 2002 [artist’s book, sticker]
TARYN SIMON, Paperwork and the Will of Capital, 2016 [artist’s book / catalogue]
KRIS VAN DESSEL, Approaches, 2015 – 2016 [USB stick]
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Editions, 2016 (rent for May)
WILLEM DE RIDDER, De Verdwenen Werken van Willem de Ridder, 2016 [DVD + objects]
LILY VAN DER STOKKER, Friends my closest ones (4-12 in total), 2016
JONATHAN MONK, The Magnetism of Colour, 2016
OLA VASILJEVA, Counting Steps Edition, 2016
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Editions, 2016 (rent for March)
DORA GARCIA, Performance / Respiración / Eco Oscuro, 2016
RICHARD PRINCE, Untiled (Jawbone), 2016
CUT magazine about art, issue #15, 2016
JAAP KRONEMAN, Untitled (Fundamentals), 2016 [artist’s book + envelope]
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Editions, 2015 (rent for October)
DANIEL BUREN, T-shirt, 1990
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Editions, 2015 (rent for September)
JAAP KRONEMAN, Schilderij met pakpapier / Painting with wrapping paper, 2015
Gerhard Richter Style Tote Bags, 2015 [Abstract Painting]
JASPER COPPES, The Mountain Burst Into Song (and all the trees will clap their hands), 2015
MICHEL FRANÇOIS, Débordement, 2015
GERHARD RICHTER, 1024 Colours, 2015 [tote bag]
GAILLARD & CLAUDE, after “Untitled, Gaillard & Claude 2015, plaster and speaker stand”, 2015
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Editions, 2015 [rent for August]
DAVID HORVITZ, Nobody owns the beach, 2015 [poster]
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Editions, 2015 [rent for July]
GLENN LIGON, I Am Somebody, 2015 [Tote bag]
PETRA CORTRIGHT, 360 Spirit CAR, 2015 [vase]
CONSTANT DULLAART, Jennifer in Paradise, 2015 [USB stick card]
JAN KÄMMERLING, Greetings!, 2015
JAY TAN, Mums Magnets, 2015
MORITZ EBINGER, Radio Rood, n.d. [2014]
MORITZ EBINGER, Golden Poem / Golden Garden, 2014
JOAN JONAS, untitled, 2015 [butterfly shawl]
LOUWRIEN WIJERS, Niet liegen/niet stelen/niet doden, 2015
JONATHAN MONK, Hand Painted by Hand, 2015
RICHARD PRINCE, lecture, 2015 [vinyl CD]
DORA GARCÍA, The Sinthome Score, 2015 [incl. original drawing]
DAVID HORVITZ, Studio Rent Editions, 2015 (December)
MARLENE DUMAS, ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’, 2015 [scarf in box]
LAWRENCE WEINER, Here, there & everywhere, 2015 [badge]
YOKO ONO, Mended Cups and Unbroken Cup, 2015
GERT VERHOEVEN, OVAL OFFICE, Ouah-Ouah-Cik-Cik-Mja-Mja., n.d. [2014]
CUT magazine about art, issue #14, 2014
JONATHAN MONK, Finger Food, 2014
DAVID SHRIGLEY, Anti-Psychotic Blend, 2014
YANN SÉRANDOUR, One Week, 2014
RAYMOND PETTIBON, They hung there, possible answers to any question that came up, 2014 [scarf]
JEFF KOONS, Balloon Dog, 2014 [leather bag, signed]
JEFF KOONS, Balloon Dog, 2014 [leather bag]
RUCHAMA NOORDA, Gaper – magnet, 2014
AI WEIWEI, Namelist 2008-2011, 2014
SIC Intertrashional Zine, 2014, issue #1
ANNE-LISE COSTE, You are not alone, 2014 [silkscreen print]
DAAN VAN GOLDEN, BB + PP, 2014 [special edition with black & white photo]
FRANÇOIS DEY, I can’t ask you to hike one mountain while I hike the other, 2014
CUT magazine about art, issue #13, 2014
KINKE KOOI, Be Precise, 2014
DAMIEN HIRST, Mickey Mouse, 2014 [large or small version]
PRATCHAYA PHINTHONG, Untitled (self portrait), 2014
CUT magazine about art, issue #10, 2014
JASON DODGE, Electricity, 2014 [feather black or white]
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, A is Anna – Geobserveerde gedichten, 2014
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Morning glory, 2014
MAURIZIO CATTELAN, Sausage Mirror, n.d. [2014]
MAURIZIO CATTELAN, Lipstick Mirror, n.d. [2014]
BARBARA KRUGER, Your gaze hits the side of my face, 2013
ADITYA MANDAYAM, iliulu-uliilu, 2013
MESCHAC GABA, mug, 2013
OLIVIER MOSSET, sans titre, 2012-2013 [sound post card]
JEREMY DELLER, Voodoo Ray / Ooh-oo-hoo ah-ha ha yeah, 2013
AI WEIWEI, Study of Perspective (Tiananmen), 2013
RAGNAR KJARTANSSON, Think piece, 2013 [set of Icelandic and English version]
MARC BIJL, Burnt by the sun (after Malevich), 2013 [print, signed]
MARC BIJL, Queen, 2013
OLA VASILJEVA, untitled, 2013 [flip postcard]
RAGNAR KJARTANSSON, Think Piece (Það er fallegt en sorglegt að vera manneskja), 2013
AI WEIWEI, Maybe being powerful means to be fragile, 2013 [skateboard]
AI WEIWEI, There are no outdoor sports …, 2013
AI WEIWEI, Dropping a Han dynasty urn, 2013
AI WEIWEI, Sunflower Seeds, 2013 [small version]
AI WEIWEI, The world is not changing…, 2013
TAUBA AUERBACH, untitled, 2013 [clock]
DAVID HORVITZ, Untitled (sand mailed by the artist’s mother from California), 2013
BEN VAUTIER, introspection truth art & sex, 2013
DAMIEN HIRST, Isolated Elements Swimming in the Same Direction for the Purpose of Understanding (Left), 1991 [shopping bag, 2013]
YOKO ONO, Arising – a call, 2013 [print of pdf file]
GARY HUME, 1000 Windows, 2013
TAMI VIBBERSTOFT / NIELS GADE, Apperaat ? ! [1st album of Apperaat], 2013
ZIN TAYLOR, Living systems, narrative haze (a sequence of palm trees obscured by the fog), 2013
LIZ MAGIC LASER, We’re Looking For You, 2013 [tote bag]
MAURIZIO CATTELAN, I Always Remember A Face, Especially When I’ve Sat On It, 2013
JONATHAN MONK, Soft Boiled Egg, 2013
VANESSA SAFAVI, Bottles / My head is a box, 2013
TRACY EMIN, My Photo Album, 2013
JOHN BOCK, Odor-Heimer, 2013 [box, 4 test tubes]
MARTIN CREED, Work No 1560, 2013 [LP hand painted sleeve]
DAVID HORVITZ, The Distance of the Day, 2013 [ set of leporello postcards, signed]
ROY LICHTENSTEIN, Dish Set, 1966 – 2013
YOKO ONO, Arising, 2013 [pebble]
YOKO ONO, Grow Love with Me, 2013
PHILIPPE DECRAUZAT, Untitled, 2013 [wallpaper]
AI WEIWEI, Sunflower Seeds, 2013 [large version]
JOHN BALDESSARI, I will not look at any more boring art, 2013 [sunglasses – black or white version]
RICHARD ARTSCHWAGER, Tattly Air Quotes Temporary Tattoos [Quotation marks], 2012
LILY VAN DER STOKKER, This Belongs To Me, 2013 [DIY multiple]
JAAP KRONEMAN, Untitled, 2013 [cahier]
GILLIAN WEARING, Total Stranger, 2013 – present [commission]
GILLIAN WEARING, Total Stranger, 2013
LAWRENCE WEINER, Under ground, 2013 [plaque]
KATE LEVANT, Untitled, 2013 [artist’s book]
CUT magazine about art, issue # 9, 2013
ELVIRE BONDELLE, Maison, voiture, chien, 2013 [artist’s book]
CUT magazine about art, issue # 7, 2013
MARC BAUER, Untitled, 2013 [shopping paper bag]
ANAHITAR RAZMI, States, 2013
PETRIT HALILAJ, Poisened by men in need of some love, 2013
CHRISTIAN MARCLAY, Klak, Klak, Klak, 2012
GARY HUME, Misery, 2012
JONATHAN MONK, A controlled chance encounter, 2012
JOHN BALDESSARI, Beach towel, 2012
FRED TOMASELLI, July 5, 2012 (Study), 2012
OLAFUR ELIASSON, Little Sun, 2012
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, In de verte, 2012
DAN GRAHAM, Fish Pond / Swimming Pool, 2012
SOPHIE NYS, Catalogue Version VI, 2012
JOHN BOCK, Ohne Titel (Untitled), 2012
BEN VAUTIER, J’aime écrire, 2012
BEN VAUTIER, J’y suis, J’y reste, 2012
BEN VAUTIER, Attention travaux en cours / Big Box Ben, 2012
BEN VAUTIER, Tout est dans ma tête, 2012
THOMAS HIRSCHHORN, Preparatory Drawings for Crystal of Resistance, 2012
BEN VAUTIER, Écrire entre les lignes, ca 2012 [large display for shop]
JONATHAN MONK, Dada Necklace, 2012
JIM SHAW, Hairdo, 2012
JONATHAN MEESE, Ausgewählte Schriften zur Diktatur der Kunst, 2012
JONATHAN MONK, It’s a Newspaper, 2012
LATIFA ECHACKHCH, Untitled, 2012 [screenprint]
JONATHAN MONK, Untitled, 2012 [tote bag]
DAMIEN HIRST, untitled, 2012 [tea towel]
JASPER JOHNS, Red Yellow Blue, 2012 [beach towel]
YOKO ONO, Imagine Peace, 2012 [beach towel]
JOHN BALDESSARI, Wrong [1966-1968], 2012 [LACMA print]
Upon Paper, No. 2, 2012
Upon Paper, No. 1, 2012
LAWRENCE WEINER, Untitled [Dem Frieden eine Form geben], 1985
ELVIRE BONDUELLE, Pour faire joli, 2011
ROBERT BARRY, Art Lovers, 2006 [box, signed]
IMI KNOEBEL, Untitled, 1989 [Keilramen]
JOHN BALDESSARI, Brain / Cloud: with Seascape and Palm Tree, 2009
SARAH MORRIS, Big Ben 2011, 2012
MARTIN CREED, Work No. 1273, 2011 [lithograph]
TAKAKO SAITO, Buch der Brust, 1984
STEVEN PARRINO, Electrophilia, Shock Wave Troop, 2002
UGO RONDINONE, Cigarettesandwich, 2011
UGO RONDINONE, (apple), 2008
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Fragment, 1969 – 2010
LAWRENCE WEINER, Stars don’t stand still in the sky, 2011
LAWRENCE WEINER, Water in milk exists, 2008
TAKAKO SAITO, various announcements and small objects, 1984-2012
MIKE KELLEY, Street Sign, 2004
MAI-THU PERRET, set of 4 glasses, 2010
JOHN CAGE, Where is the war?, 1985
CANDICE BREITZ, Double, 2009
EDWARD RUSCHA, Open Book with Worm Holes, 2012
RICHARD SERRA, Afangar (SKIII), 1991
Circle Jerk, 2009 [16 street posters, all signed]
JOHN BOCK, Im Schatten der Made, 2010
SONG DONG, Waste Not, 2012
OLIVIER MOSSET, La chute d’eau, 2009
MATIAS FALDBAKKEN, Untitled (Plastic Bag / B.F.), 2012
OLAF BREUNING, We Never Know, 2010
MATIAS FALDBAKKEN, Untitled (Plastic Bag), 2010
JOSEPH BEUYS, Kunst=Kapital, 1980
MARTIN CREED, Work 117, 1995 [cassette tape]
PIPILOTTI RIST, Migros bag, 2010
REINER RUTHENBECK, Rahmen mit schwarzer Kugel, 1987
DAAN VAN GOLDEN, Apperception, 2012
JOHN BALDESSARI, Tote bag, 2012
PAUL McCARTHY, Chocolate Nose Bar, 2000 [chocolate nose in cardboard box]
GILBERT & GEORGE, Side by Side, 2012
DAMIEN HIRST, Fridge Magnets, n.d. [2012]
DAMIEN HIRST, Magnet Set “Calciferol 1996”, n.d. [2012]
LES LEVINE, Untitled [memo pad], 1985
GLENN LIGON, ‘2000-2009’, 2011 [print]
JOHN BALDESSARI, Wrong, [eraser – ca 2010]
DAVID HORVITZ, Do you live in the US?, 2012 [screenshot Twitter]
BEN VAUTIER, Écrire entre les lignes, 2012
GERHARD RICHTER, offset print, signed page [1980-1990]
WJM KOK, Maxi-Color, 2012 [7 prints]
WJM KOK, Maxi-Color (Ice Cream) # – Serial number 68671, 2012
JOSEPH BEUYS, Schiefertafel, 1972
WJM KOK, Maxi-Color (Ice Cream) – Serial number 56909, 2012
JEFF KOONS, plate edition, 2012
DAAN VAN GOLDEN, Violen, 1991-2012 [edition]
MATTHEW LUTZ-KINOY, goody bag, 2012
VANESSA SAFAVI, After the Monument Comes the People, 2012
PETER WÜTHRICH, Lolita, 2012
MARTIN CREED, Work No. 1370 – ‘Chicago’, 2012 [LP, painted sleeve]
RICHARD ARTSCHWAGER, Quotation Mark, 2013 [earrings]
RICHARD PRINCE, It’s a Free Concert Now, 2015 [LP vinyl]
JONATHAN MONK, Bin ich immer noch lustig?, 2012
RICHARD ARTSCHWAGER, Blp, 2012 [Tote bag]
WILLEM DE RIDDER, Papieren Konstellatie, 2012
JEFF KOONS, Split Rocker, 2012 [plate]
OLIVIER MOSSET, Untitled, 2012
LAWRENCE WEINER, AMS / Art Meets Science Multiple, 1992
MARTIN CREED, Love To You, 2012 [LP, hand painted sleeve]
CARSTEN HÖLLER, Schneeflocke / Snowflake, 2012
BOX # 1 – journal MOCA Detroit, 2012 [on Afro-futurism/Sun Ra]
ALISON KNOWLES, Wild lentils, 2012
ALOÏS GODINAT, Lacération et Chevauchement, 2012
RAGNAR KJARTANSSON, Feuerchen!, 2011
PHILIPPE DECRAUZAT, Trois Films Photographiés, 2011 [artist’s book]
JAN HENDERIKSE, untitled, n.d. [ca 2011], badge with shredded dollars
SARAH MORRIS, Marcel Gem [Clip], 2011
FRED TOMASELLI, 11 Nov., 2011
ROMAN OPALKA, 5607249, 2011
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Gestreken en gevouwen, 2011
BRIDGET RILEY, Rose, Rose, 2011 [print]
LOUISE LAWLER, Adjusted to fit, 2011 [matchbox]
HENK PEETERS, Echt = Henk Peeters, 2011
JOHN BOCK, Lütte mit Rucola [with original drawing], 2011
LAWRENCE WEINER, Bicycle Edition, 2011
KRISTJÁN GUDMUNDSSON, Drawing in Round Frame, 2011
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Another day, 2011
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Situations, 2000 [postcards, signed]
JEFF KOONS, Garage Tattoo, 2011 [Lobster]
JOHN BALDESSARI, I will not wear any more boring tattoos. 2011
LOUISE BOURGEOIS, I have been to Hell and Back., 2009 [Tote bag]
GIJS VAN LENTHE, Zanddoos, 2011 [DVD film]
LOUISE BOURGEOIS, Spider Woman, 2009 [Tote bag]
LAWRENCE WEINER, Water finds its own level, 2011
RAYMOND PETTIBON, Garage Tattoo, 2011
JCJ VANDERHEYDEN, Chinese Window, 2011
DINOS CHAPMAN, Garage Tattoo, 2011 [tattoo “I’m with this idiot”]
DAMIEN HIRST, Garage Tattoo, 2011 [The Immaculate Heart]
JOHN BALDESSARI, Stairway, Coat and Person, 2011
FRANÇOIS DEY, Benjamin’s house, 2011
MAI-THU PERRET, ‘Tous les chevaux du rois, 2008’, 2011
JONATHAN MONK, Grey / Gray, 2012
CONSTANT DULLAART, Users, Phaedrus, No Sunshine, Impossible Sculptures, 2011
LUCY CLOUT, Hook, 2011
GLENN LIGON, I Am a Man [tote bag], 2011
RYAN GANDER, Still not even to be trusted with a paperclip, 2011
FRED TOMASELLI, Sept. 15, 2005, 2010
JONATHAN MEESE, Scarlettierbaby’s Raspberry Mouth Spirit, 2010
KATHARINA GROSSE, Ohne Titel (without title), 2010
UGO RONDINONE, Nothing but the night, 2010
PAOLA PIVI, It’s a Cocktail Party, 2009 and 2010
OLIVIER MOSSET, Sixteen Cardboard Toblerones, 2010
MARTIN CREED, Work No. 369, 2010 [lithograph]
MARTIN CREED, Work No. 368, 2010 [lithograph]
MARTIN CREED, Work no. 367, 2010 [lithograph]
JOHN BALDESSARI, untitled [skateboard], 2010
JONATHAN MONK, My Height in Yellow Highlighter Pen, 2010
TAUBA AUERBACH, [2,3], 2010
FIONA BANNER, ISBN-978-1-90711-8-99-9, 2010
ROB PRUITT, Panda, 2010 [beach towel]
TRACEY EMIN, I Love You, 2010 [beach towel]
ISA GENZKEN, Mona Isa, 2010
RAYMOND PETTIBON, Off! – First Four EPs, 2010
GERHARD RICHTER, Sindbad, 2010
RICHARD WRIGHT, Untitled, 2010
MARLENE DUMAS, Frau und Hund, 2010 [print]
MAARTEN SLEEUWITS, I asked the Japanese artist Leï Saito what would be the best…, 2010
ALOÏS GODINAT, Bâtonnet, Bâtonnet, 2010
MALCOLM MORLEY, Tankerton Bay, 2009
GUILLERMO KUITCA, Alice Tully Hall, 2009
PIERRE BISMUTH, Something Less, Something More, 2009
FALKE PISANO, Figure 1 (Context, Past, Present, Future), 2009 [print]
JONATHAN MEESE, Grappa d’Annunzioz, 2009
DANIEL KNORR, Pukapuka Tohunga Mahi Toi, 2009
YOKO ONO, Imagine Piece, 2009
NAVID NUUR, Let us meet inside you, 2009
JOHN BALDESSARI, Raised Eybrows / Furrowed Foreheads : Man Viewing Valve, 2009
DAMIEN HIRST, Untitled, 2009 [skull balloon]
KARIN KALIMNIK, Untitled, 2009 [beach towel]
EDWARD RUSCHA, The Study of Friction and Wear on Mating Surfaces, 2009
JOHN M ARMLEDER, The Reality Bag No. 2, 2009
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Head & Cauliflower, 2009
JONATHAN MEESE, Swing Your Thing, 2009
MATT MULLICAN, Coffee 1 – 7, 2009 [drawings]
DAVID MALJKOVIC, Untitled, 2009 [print]
OLAFUR ELIASSON, Concepts in Space, 2008
RAYMOND PETTIBON, untitled [plate], 2008
RIRKRIT TIRAVANIJA, A Moment of Life, 2008
ELVIRE BONDUELLE, Torchon, 2008 [Tea towel]
JAAP KRONEMAN, Untitled, 2008 [poster]
JAAP KRONEMAN, Sleep, 2008
MARLENE DUMAS, In God we trust (paying the ferry man), 2008 [11 prints in large folder]
JONATHAN MONK, Jonathan Monk Shops at Art Metropole, 2008 [shopping bag]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Upside down, 2008
JEFF KOONS, Monkey Train, 2008 [beach towel]
YVONNE DRÖGE WENDEL, Item, 2008, [Nr 14]
ELIZABETH PEYTON, Untitled, 2008 [beach towel]
PIERRE LEGUILLON, Oeuvres Papier / Works Paper, 2008 [in print]
JONATHAN MONK, White square with piece missing, 2008
RACHEL WHITEREAD, Ex Libris, 2008 [bookplate Matchbox]
CUT magazine about art, issue #3, 2008
CUT magazine about art, issue #2, 2008
ALEX KATZ, Ada with Sunglasses, 2008 [beach towel]
ROGER RAVEEL, Een sacraal gebaar, n.d. [2008]
ANNA & BERNHARD JOHANNES BLUME, Abstrakt, 2008 [plate]
GUIDO VAN DE WERVE, Free X Show, 2008
YANN SÉRANDOUR, L’ Espace lui-même, 2007
FRANZ WEST, Male Sticker, 2007
OLAF NICOLAI, Kombination I, 2007
AI WEIWEI, To fight with Crossed Arms, 2007
MIKE KELLEY, My Little Friend Doll, 2007
PHILIPPE DECRAUZAT, Undercover, 2007
LOUWRIEN WIJERS, Société Anonyme, 2007 [Hors Série Point d”Ironie / Agnès B.]
PETER FISCHLI & DAVID WEISS, Making Things Go / The Way Things Go / Sketch, 2007
JAAP KRONEMAN, Gevouwen vlag / Folded flag, 2007
CINDY SHERMAN, Woman in Pool, 2007
JILL MAGID, Lincoln Ocean Victor Eddy, 2007 [regular copy]
JEREMY DELLER, Portrait of John Hough , 2007 [Tube map]
CUT magazine about art, issue #1, 2007
YANN SÉRANDOUR, Cahiers Clairefontaine, 2006
FISCHLI & WEISS, Untitled (Mushroom), 2006
LAWRENCE WEINER, Give & Get, Have & Take, 2006
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Days and holidays, 2006
YANN SÉRANDOUR, Helvetica as Metallica, 2006
JESSICA STOCKHOLDER, With Your Salad, 2006
OLIVIER MOSSET, wallpaper, 2006
HENK PEETERS, truus-3, 2006
EDWARD RUSCHA, City Space, 2006
EDWARD RUSCHA, Your Space #2, 2006
FRED TOMASELLI, Guilty, 2005
FRANZ WEST, Gesammelte Gespräche und Interviews, 2005
LAWRENCE WEINER, À fripon fripon et demi, [2004] – multiple
YANN SÉRANDOUR, [Supplement] – A Needle In A Haystack, 2004
OLIVIER MOSSET, Untitled, 2004 [set of 4 lithos]
OLIVIER MOSSET, Untitled, 2004 [HELP]
MONICA BONVICINI, Untitled, 2004
KLAAS KLOOSTERBOER, tussen kunstenaar en curator, 2004
JOHN BOCK, Meech elasticity, 2004 [signed]
KENDELL GEERS, Point Blank, 2004 [artist’s book]
ELSWORTH KELLY, Wild Grape Leaves II, 2004
ALEX KATZ, The Sailor Hat, 2003
NICOLAS CHARDON, Magnetique no 6, 2003
MARLENE DUMAS, My Daughter, 2003 [DVD]
JILL MAGID, Particular Old Dutch Houses and some other Royal Things, 2003
YANN SÉRANDOUR, BHKW, 2003 [badge]
LILY VAN DER STOKKER, Good, 2003 [cap]
LILY VAN DER STOKKER, Mother & father + kids, 2003
JONATHAN MONK, My Height in Blue Ballpoint Pen, 2003
FRANZ ERHARD WALTHER, Works 1958 – 1970, 2003
FRED TOMASELLI, Untitled 2002 [print]
GARY HUME, Love Letter in Your Pyjamas, 2002 [paper shopping bag]
Mont Blanc paper shopping bags, 2002 [Jean-Marc Bustamante, Anne and Patrick Poirier, David Lachapelle, Gary Hume, Sylvie Fleury and Sam Taylor-Wood]
PIPILOTTI RIST, Lullaby, 2002
JOHN BALDESSARI, The Intersection Series: Person on Horse and Person Falling from Horse, with Audience, 2001-2002
FRED TOMASELLI, Untitled, 2002 [screen print on Pierogi Press cover]
MAURIZIO NANNUCCI, Découvrir Différentes Directions, [2002]
YAYOI KUSAMA, Pumpkins, 2002
NEO RAUCH, Hirt, 2001
RONI HORN, Untitled (To Nest), 2001
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Rotorura Perpetual Glow Machine [film on DVD]
JONATHAN MONK, My Mother Cleaning My Father’s Piano, 2001 [vinyl LP]
DAN GRAHAM, paper shopping bag, 2001
JOHN BOCK, Gribbohm, 2001
HERBERT ZANGS, untitled, 2001 [monotype]
ELIZABETH PEYTON, Prince Eagle, 2001
GÜNTHER FÖRG, Texte zur Kunst, 2000 [multiple]
MYNE SØE-PEDERSEN, Airmails from Venice, 2000
JAAP KRONEMAN, U heeft een vuilniszak op straat gezet, 2000
DAVID HORVITZ, Take a photograph of your head inside a freezer, 2009
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Forma e Funzione, 2000
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Untitled, 2000 [screen print]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Untitled, 2000 [screen print]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Untitled, 2000 [colour photo]
ELIZABETH PEYTON, Tony sleeping, 2000
YOKO ONO, War is over! (If you want it), 2000 [paper bag]
GILBERT & GEORGE, As used by the sculptors, 1973 [signed postcard]
TAKAKO SAITO, Behalte die ganze Haut in der Tasche, 2000
SIGMAR POLKE, The Editioned Works 1963 – 2000, 2000 [signed catalogue raisonné]
TAKAKO SAITO, Body Music, 2000
WJM KOK, Aluchrome, 2000
FISCHLI & WEISS, Ohne Titel, 1998-1999 [Texte zur Kunst, signed]
YAYOI KUSAMA, Narcissus Garden, 1966 – 1999 [mirror ball, 2001]
HENK PEETERS, rain of feathers, 1999 [signed DVD]
MAURA BIAVA, For Urano, 1999
HEIMO ZOBERNIG, Untitled, 1999 [Bench]
FRANCK BRAGIGAND, Restoration of the daily life “The Red Nature Morte”, 1999
TOM FRIEDMAN, Untitled (Dollar Bill), 1999
LILY VAN DER STOKKER, Money, 1999 [sticker]
LILY VAN DER STOKKER, Worteltje, 1998
JAMES ROSENQUIST, Paper Suit, 1998
HENK PEETERS, Zero stamp, 1998
CLAUDE CLOSKY, 2000 tentatives de designer un petit circle, 1998
HENK PEETERS, Ausstellung Henk in Sicht? zu sehen im…., 1998 [two postcards]
ANN VERONICA JANSSENS, Fosfenen / Phosphènes, ca 1998
SIGMAR POLKE, Hallucie, 1998
JAAP KRONEMAN, Globloids, 1998
GERHARD RICHTER, Schwarz, Rot, Gold II, 1998
ROB SCHOLTE, Nu met gratis doek van Rob Scholte, ca 1997
MESCHAC GABA, Untitled, n.d. [1997, box with money safety pins]
JOHN BALDESSARI, I saw it, 1997
HERBERT ZANGS, untitled, 1997 [screen print]
HREINN FRIDFINNSSON, Impromptu (leftovers of the day from the studio of the artist), 1997
VOEBE DE GRUYTER, Dokalucht, 1996
TONY OURSLER, Untitled (Talking Photograph), 1996
MARTIN CREED, Work 88, 1995 [crumpling]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Klok, 1995 [electric doorbell]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, La Fille aux Crêpes, 1995
VICTOR VASERELY, Rosenthalkarte, n.d. [ca 1995]
RICHARD PRINCE, I never had a penny to my name…., 1994 [postcard, signed]
LOUISE BOURGEOIS, Untitled, 1994
DIETER ROTH, Quick, 1994 [artist’s book, signed]
LILY VAN DER STOKKER, Ja!, goed, 1994
Mechanical Reproduction, 1994
TONY CRAGG, Untitled, 1994 [6 etchings Griffelkunst]
SYLVIE FLEURY, no title, 1993 [signed and numbered wrapping paper]
SYLVIE FLEURY, Slim-Fast / vanille, 1993
SYLVIE FLEURY, The Art of Survival, 1993 [artist’s magazine]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, AP [door sign], 1993-1994
JOHN M ARMLEDER, La Ligne d’ Arrivée, 1993
SYLVIE FLEURY, Vital Perfection, 1993 [shoe box]
STEVEN PARRINO, Black Flag, 1993
LES LEVINE, Lose Your Life, 1993
ANNA and BERNHARD JOHANNES BLUME, Ideoplastie [Aktionsvase], 1993
MARTIN KIPPENBERGER, Schlecht belegte Studentenpizza gepollockt, 1993
Fluxus – In the spirit of Fluxus, 1993
PAUL PERRY, untitled, n.d. [1992]
GERHARD RICHTER, Tassen, Untertassen und Teller, 1992 [cups, saucers and plates]
MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, zonder titel, 1992 [mirrored glass object]
JOHN M ARMLEDER, U 40 drop cloth, 1992
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Ardor, 1992 [multiple]
EVELYNE JANSSEN, Metaphor Magnet, 1992
LILY VAN DER STOKKER, Prints, 1992 [portfolio]
STEVEN PARRINO, Untitled, 1992 [analogue photograph]
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Untitled [horizon/zon], 1991
RICHARD TUTTLE, Poem in corner No 1, 1991
LAWRENCE WEINER, Stars Don’t Stand Still, 1991 [pin]
JOEP VAN LIESHOUT, “Collectie 1989-1990 / Works 1991-1992”, 1991
GER VAN ELK, Western Stylemasters, 1991
DAMIEN HIRST, With Dead Head, 1991
RAÚL MARROQUIN, Marroquin Font, 1991
Fluxus – Der Augenblick der stehen bleibt, 1991 [gummed stamps]
RICHARD PRINCE, Skull Bunny shopping bag, 1991
JOHN BALDESSARI, Hand and Chin (With Entwined Hands), 1991
HREINN FRIDFINNSSON, Fragment of Remembrance, 1990
JIM SHAW, THE DOGZ – It’s Easter in My Brain / Willy Nilly, n.d. [1990]
GENERAL IDEA, AIDS – Amsterdam Tram Project, 1990
MARIEN SCHOUTEN, untitled 1986 -1990 [dinner-service Fodor Museum]
LAWRENCE WEINER, Learn to read art, cut-out bookmark, 1990
OLIVIER MOSSET, Untitled [unique photo prints], 1990
BARBARA KRUGER, I shop therefore I am, 1990 [paper shopping bag]
LAWRENCE WEINER, Stars don’t stand still in the sky, 1990 [plaque]
A.R. PENCK, I am ar. penck, 1989 [English version]
De Slagersvriend, number 3, 1989 [photographs, signed]
B. WURTZ, Survival, 1989 [exhibition card]
CARSTEN HÖLLER, Zukunft ist wichtiger als Freizeit., 1989
SIGMAR POLKE, Ohne Titel, 1989 [‘splash’ screen print]
GERHARD RICHTER, Kerze [1988] – Goslar
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Untitled [flag], 1988
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Furniture Sculpture 193, Caprice, 1988
ROB SCHOLTE, Mens erger je niet! / Ne l’en fais pas!, 1988
SIGMAR POLKE, Ohne Titel, 1988 [‘nose’ screen print]
DAVID ROBILLIARD, Old Flames are Dead Matches, 1987
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Cercle et Carré, 1987
DAAN VAN GOLDEN, Century ’87, 1987
LAWRENCE WEINER, Ab ovo usque ad mala, 1987
JAN J. SCHOONHOVEN, Untitled, 1987 [print B]
KEITH HARING, untitled, ca 1986 [multiple; puzzle]
TAKAKO SAITO, Ein Buch des Mikadobuchs, 1986
ENZO CUCCHI, T-shirt, size L, 1986
GERHARD RICHTER, Spiegel, 1986
WIM T. SCHIPPERS, Going to the Dogs, 1986 [performance]
KEITH HARING, Untitled ca 1986 [plastic bag – transparent]
ALISON KNOWLES, Untitled, 1986
DIETER ROTH, Rosbeek 23 – Blad 1/2 + Blad 2/2, 1986
RENÉ DANIELS, De donkere kamer, 1986 [screen print]
PHILIP CORNER, Piece of reality, 1986
KEITH HARING, Untitled, ca 1985 [Pop Shop bag – white]
KEITH HARING, Three Eyed Face, 1985 [Pop Shop radio]
DIETER ROTH, Zeitschrift für Alles, n.d., signed [1985]
FRANZ ERHARD WALTHER, Instrument proportion, 1984
JOSEPH BEUYS, Schwefelpostkarte [1984]
TAKAKO SAITO, Monolog von Kartoffel, 1984
DADI GUDBJÖRNSSON, Thingummy – Collective Drawings, n.d. [1984]
MONTEVIDEO, juni 1984 [program magazine]
MONTEVIDEO, mei 1984 [program magazine]
MONTEVIDEO, 1984 [program magazine]
ROBERT RAUSCHENBERG, LP cover for Speaking in Tongues / Talking Heads, 1983
ALISON KNOWLES, A Bean Concordance, 1983
FRANCESCO CLEMENTE, White Shroud, 1983 [text by Alan Ginsberg]
JOSEPH BEUYS, Sonne statt Reagen [LP], 1982
ROBERT BARRY, There it is, 1982 [artist’s book]
The first Montevideo catalogue, 1982 [rare catalogue]
ROBERT FILLIOU, Standard-book / Livre-Etalon, n.d. [1982]
HANS KOETSIER, Advertisements 1969 – 1981
WIM T. SCHIPPERS, Going to the Dogs, 1986 [tea spoon]
GÁBOR TÓTH, 1970 – 1980 [ mail art from the seventies]
BENGT LINDSTRÖM, Untitled I, n.d. [1980]
MAN RAY, Self Portrait, 1985 [post card]
DOROTHY IANNONE, Dorothy Iannone and her mother Sarah Pucci, 1980
ANDY WARHOL, After the Party, 1979
BILL GAGLIONE – ANNA BANANA, Futurist Sound, 1978 [invitation]
VLADAN RADOVANOVIC, Photo Paper Trans Media Tape, 1978 [invitation]
ULISES CARRIÓN, Dear friend, 1978
ULISES CARRIÓN, Printed in Brazil, 1978 [invitation]
DENNIS OPPENHEIM, The regression of identity codes…, [Blatt V], 1978
DOROTHY IANNONE, Follow me, 1978
FRANCESCO CLEMENTE, Undae Clemente Flamina Pulsae, 1978
BARRY McCALLION, Diagram of the Oarswork 1970-1977, 1977
ALISON KNOWLES, Gem Duck, 1977
DENNIS OPPENHEIM, Go-Between, [Blatt VI], 1977
DENNIS OPPENHEIM, Extended Expressions, [Blatt I], 1977
JOSEPH BEUYS, Diebstahl, n.d. [between 1974-1977]
KRISTJAN GUDMUNDSSON, Cause and Consequence, 1976
MARTIN DISLER, Das Meer schwitzt & Ich auch, 1976
GEORGE MACIUNAS, Flux Paper Events, 1976
GÜNTHER BRUS, Der Trauermantel, 1976
KRISTJAN GUDMUNDSSON, Once around the sun – Vol. I + II, 1975
Stempelboek / Book of stamps, 1975 – Ken Friedman, John Armleder
SIGMAR POLKE, Mu nieltnam netorruprup, 1975
JOHN M ARMLEDER, Niente, purtroppo!, 1975
KRISTJAN GUDMUNDSSON, Once around the sun – Vol. I, 975
PIETER LAURENS MOL, This paper is yours, this is mine, 1974
KRISTJAN GUDMUNDSSON, Orsök og Afleiðing, 1974 [Cause and Consequence]
TAKAKO SAITO, To my friends, n.d. [1974]
JOSEPH BEUYS, Holzpostkarte, n.d. [1974], signed
JOSEPH BEUYS, Holzpostkarte, n.d. [1974] + FIU ink stamp, signed
SOL LEWITT, Incomplete Open Cubes, 1974
MAN RAY, Cadeau, 1974
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Camouflage, 1974 [photo, signed]
HREINN FRIDFINNSSON, An Aquarelle of the surface of the lake “Thingvallavatn” Painted with water from the surface of the lake plus color, 1973-’74
KRISTJAN GUDMUNDSSON, Shipwreck, 1973 – 1974
PIETER LAURENS MOL, Middelpuntvliedend – middelpuntzoekend, 1973
MARIA LASSNIG, Animation, 1973
DIETER ROTH, Karnickelköttelkarnickel, 1972 [Rabbit shit-rabbit]
TAKAKO SAITO, unique [performance] garments, 1972
KRISTJÁN GUDMUNDSSON, invitation / announcement Galerie 845, 1972
HREINN FRIDFINNSSON, invitation card In-Out Center [hand written invite], 1972
KRISTJAN GUDMUNDSSON, Nidur / Down, 1972 [handmade copy]
HANNES VAN ES, Confrontated, In Crisis and Portraits, 1971 [unique photo works]
Lesbian Dream Press, 1971
DAAN VAN GOLDEN, Speciale Editie Ameland-Rapport, 1971
LOUWRIEN WIJERS, untitled sculpture [Woman is the Jewel], 1971
DAAN VAN GOLDEN, Untitled, 1971 [print, signed]
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Project for the Wind/sculpture, 1971
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Project for the Wind/drawing, 1971
CHARLOTTE MOORMAN, untitled, n.d. [photostat between 1965-1970]
ERIC ANDERSEN, 10 times of Finish It, 1970
JASPER JOHNS, Target, 1970
STANLEY BROUWN, Tatvan / Tatwan, 1970
SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON, Untitled (Ice Philosophy), 1970
FRANZ ERHARD WALTHER, Find a purpose for the pocket, 1969 [signed]
SIGMAR POLKE, Höhere Wesen befahlen: rechte obere Ecke schwarz malen!, n.d. [1969, signed postcard]
OLIVIER MOSSET, Flux Dots by Mosset Total Art Nice, n.d. [1969]
FRANZ ERHARD WALTHER, ‘Sockel: Hand und Arm unten’, 1969
JÖRG IMMENDORFF, Lidlsport Ringmatte, 1969 [Vice-Versand Edition]
MERET OPPENHEIM, L’écureuil / squirrel, 1969
SIGMAR POLKE, Höhere Wesen befahlen: rechte obere Ecke schwarz malen!, 1969
ERIC ANDERSEN, Tape Piece, [part of Fourre-Tout, No. 3, 1968]
BEN VAUTIER, Fourre-Tout No. 3, 1968 [magazine]
MARINUS BOEZEM, Windschaal, 1968
ROY LICHTENSTEIN, Folded Hat, 1968
MARCEL DUCHAMP, Contrepetrie, 1968 [vinyl record on empty portfolio]
BRUCE NAUMAN, Footsteps, 1968 [sound piece on tape]
DITER ROT (DIETER ROTH), Rathaus, 1968 [Serie 3: Kassel nr. 5]
HENRY FLYNT, Overthrow the human race!, 1968
WIM T. SCHIPPERS, Excelsior, 1968 [print]
JCJ VANDERHEYDEN, Untitled, 1968 [relief print]
ERIC ANDERSEN, Postcard in four colours, 1967 [large and small]
ANDY WARHOL, Dossier Nr 2357 – ‘John Joseph H’, 1967
LUDWIG GOSEWITZ, Der Anziehschmit, 1967
BEN VAUTIER, Mon admiration pour votre oeuvre, 1966 [Fluxus]
BEN VAUTIER / LA MONTE YOUNG, text, stencil on paper, 1960-1966
ERIC ANDERSEN, Opus 36, n.d. [1965]
WILLEM DE RIDDER, Fluxus – nieuw!! niet gratis maar 70 ct – 10Bfr [newspaper], 1965
Signals, 1964 -1966 [journal issues 2 – 11]
M.C. ESCHER, Icosaëder, 1963 [Verblifa tin box]
BEN VAUTIER, Mensonges, ca 1962 – 1963
KEN FRIEDMAN, This is really it! This is really it! This is?, ca 1962-1968 [Fluxus]
BEN VAUTIER, Crisis and Nervous Depression, ca 1962-1963
JOHN CAGE, catalogue on scores, Edition Peters, 1962
LA MONTE YOUNG, Composition # 7, 1960 [To be held for a long time]
YVES KLEIN, Dimanche 27 November – Le journal d’un seul jour, 1960
MAN RAY, The man, the art, the work, ca 1955 [hand written text on invite]
BART VAN DER LECK, Metz & Co Amsterdam – Den Haag, 1952 [paper bag]
Reflex nr 2, 1948 [Cobra magazine]
Reflex, nr 1, 1948 [Cobra magazine]
MAN RAY, Cadeau, 1921
MAN RAY, Tonsure (Marcel Duchamp), 1984 [post card]
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MARLENE DUMAS, My Daughter, 2003 [DVD]