RAÚL MARROQUIN, Fandangos – extra, 1980 [magazine]

RAÚL MARROQUIN, Fandangos – extra, 1980
21 x 14,3 cm
stencil print, stapled, 12 pp. incl. cover
published by Fandangos magazine, Maastricht, Netherlands
splendid condition
extremely rare
inv.RMarr 830

This extra issue of Fandangos is on the ‘World’s First T.V. Convention’.
A copy is in the collection of Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.

‘Why a World’s T.V. Convention? This has been the most asked question of the week in business and diplomatic circles, especially after the convention’s unexpected developments during the past two days.
Neither ex-president Nixon, nor any of the Mad Enterprises Inc., Videoheads or Fanfangos officials expected these results from what was originally conceived as a profit making projectas well as attracting tourists to Amsterdam and giving Mr. Nixon front page exposure.’

‘The Sets
The first appearance of the rock and roll band ‘The Sets’ on the strike day at the convention, was their most successful gig in their two-and-a-half years of working together. The group is made up of four P.V.M. 200’s and is between punk and new wave. Their record released on the strike day reached the sales record of one million dollars in less than 24 hours. ‘The Sets’ presence was kept secret until the last moment, although they had been heard rehearsing on the third day of the convention during a coffee break. No explanation was offered. The group will be touring in Europe for the next 3 months and are expected to release their new L.P. in a few weeks.
While discussions, arguments, demonstrations, suicide and a kidnapping took place at the convention, a group that began smaal but eventually grew into one of the strongest groups of the event, was the one led by ‘thelight from India’, as 3820 was called by his disciples from the very first day.