ULISES CARRIÓN, Bókasyning / Bookshow, 1980 [invitation card]

ULISES CARRIÓN, Bókasyning / Bookshow, 1980
12 x 17.3 cm
invitation card
Nylistasafnid / The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland
stamp ink and wear at right top corner caused by mailing
€ 300,- plus € 12,- Track & Trace registered EU mail
inv.UCarr 823

“This exhibition includes books by more than one hundred artists from 25 countries. Except for a special Icelandic section asembled [sic] by Árni Ingólfsson, they all come from the Other Books and So Archive of Amsterdam.
Although varying in origin scope, and intentions, all the books in this show are outstanding examples of ‘book art’ – each one of them was conceived as an autonomous art work.
Whether by means of typography, photography, handwriting, photocopy or drawing, they subvert our age old understanding of books and open up new hopes for the book’s significance in an era of multimedia communication. U. Carrión.”


See: ULISES CARRIÓN, Other Books, exhibition leaflet with list of artist’s books.