KATE LEVANT, Untitled, 2013 [artist’s book]

KATE LEVANT, Untitled, 2013
19 x 14 cm
hand made artist’s book (nr 4/15), 16 pp., plasticized cover, hand written texts in pencil
(here including text of Leon Trotsky from 1924 and text of Kate Levant on ‘The malignant narcissist’)
edition 15
published by the artist, Amsterdam





KATE LEVANT, Untitled, 2013
19 x 14 cm
hand made artist’s book (nr 5/15), 12 pp. (sic), plasticized cover, hand written texts in pencil
(here including cover image and excluding 4 pages of texts by Leon Trotsky from 1924 and text of Kate Levant on ‘The malignant narcissist’)
edition 15
published by the artist, Amsterdam