JONATHAN MONK, The making of ten posters, ten languages, ten colours, ten words, ten euros, 2011 [set of 10 books]

JONATHAN MONK, The making of ten posters, ten languages, ten colours, ten words, ten euros, 2011
each book 17 x 11,5 x 0,5 cm
10 books, each 50 pp.
published by Yvon Lambert, Paris, France
rare as set
set of 10: € 920,- plus € 20,- registered mail Track & Trace
inv.JMon 304-pr



Each artist’s book contains 50 pages of color photographs documenting the creation of an edition of Jonathan Monk posters. All ten books come in different couver colours, in original cellophane wrapping. No wonder Jonathan Monk says during a studio interview by U. G. Lambert, 26 April 2012: “… Once something has been done, it can be done again in a different colour.” This stack of ten books in different colours demonstrate this idea, in an almost sculptural way.

JONATHAN MONK, Measurements, 2021 [NAK Edition – Postkarten]

JONATHAN MONK, Measurements, 2021
14,8 x 10,5 cm
offset, felt pen ink, postcard with hand written text
signed, numbered
edition 20
published by NAK / Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Aachen, Germany
inv.JMon 1110_1113

In 1969 Mel Bochner became renown for his “Measurement rooms” for which architectural features of a room were measured and marked out directly onto the walls. Jonathan Monk is known for reproducing art works taken from art history, i.e. (re)making the same work, but in a different way. For “Measurements” (2021) Monk has marked in green printed lines the height and width of a postcard depicting the view of a “Measurement Room”. On the backside of the card he wrote with the help of a ruler, as a straight line support: ‘Written with a ruler for …’ giving this work a hand made touch. KvG