KRISTJAN GUDMUNDSSON, Once around the sun – Vol. I + II, 1975

KRISTJAN GUDMUNDSSON, Once around the sun; Volume I and II, 1975
each 26,3 x 26,7 x 6 cm
offset, SC, book object, 2 volumes
edition 150, only ca 6-8 were made
signed, numbered
first hand bound edition
published by Silver Press, Reykjavik / Amsterdam
extremely rare
Collection Kees van Gelder, Amsterdam
€ 10.000,- plus courier costs
inv.KG 000-pr

This edition consists of two volumes that is hand bound (Lümbeck method) by Kristján Gudmundsson while he was living in Daniel Stalpertstraat, Amsterdam during the seventies. One book object contains parallel horizontal lines on each page. The second volume contains hundreds of full stops on each page. Both books are three times thicker than the reprinted version by Ottenhausen Verlag in 1982. The front page states that each line is equal to seconds, id est all lines together represent the total amount of 29,771 meters it takes for the earth to once orbit around the sun; equal to one year.
In 1976 the artist made volume II making use of the notion ‘time’ using dots instead of lines to visualize the length of the orbit around the sun. The front page states that each point is equal to a second. All points together represent the amount of seconds it takes for the earth to once orbit around the sun.

The production of this self published book by Silver Press – owned by the artist – was very laborious and definitely no more than 8 copies were made. In 1982 Ottenhausen Verlag in Aachen / Munich, Germany, took over the project and published 100 copies which were less voluminous than the original book object hand made by the artist. With the reprint the width of the spine of each volume is shrunken to almost half of its size, making the work less sculptural than the original.

Additional information:

KRISTJAN GUDMUNDSSON, Once around the sun, 1982
each 27,6 x 27 x 3,5 cm
offset, 2 volumes in slipcase
edition 100
SC, book, 2nd ed.
published by Ottenhausen Verlag, Aachen / München 1982

History of prices:
Antiquariat Uebue, Zurich, Switzerland, December 2024 € 4.217,56 – 2nd edition, unsigned as issued
Antiquariat Uebue, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2022 US$ 4,101.88 – 2nd edition, unsigned as issued
Boekie Woekie, Amsterdam February 2022 € 4.000,00 – 2nd edition unsigned as issued
Boekie Woekie, Amsterdam November 2012 € 1.600,00 – 2nd edition unsigned as issued