LOUISE BOURGEOIS, I have been to Hell and Back., 2009 [Tote bag]

LOUISE BOURGEOIS, I have been to Hell and Back., 2009
ca 42 x 35 x 12 cm
screen print on cotton Tote bag
published by Moma, New York, USA
mint, very rare
limited edition
€ 620,- plus € 24,- registered Track & Trace mail
inv.LBou BF-plankN

The brilliant screen print on this bag is a bright reproduction of an embroidery work. Originally Louise Bourgeois embroidered on a handkerchief (2007) the text ‘I have been to hell and back. And let me tell you it was wonderful.’ It expresses her opinion that life is a journey with up and downs, and in the end it was worth it. She put this text on her husband’s handkerchief.

More details about this item
In 2007 a handkerchief with the above text was published by Third Drawer Down in a numbered edition of 1000 for each colour; red, blue and pink. It was co-produced by Tate Modern, London.

Handkerchief, blue version

Handkerchief, label Third Drawer Down / Tate