MARTIN KIPPENBERGER, Schlecht belegte Studentenpizza gepollockt, 1993

MARTIN KIPPENBERGER, Schlecht belegte Studentenpizza gepollockt [quarter], 1993
22 x 30 x 2,5 cm
wood, paint
edition 28 + 8 AP
signed, numbered, certificate
published by Printed Matter, New York, USA

not available anymore

MARTIN KIPPENBERGER, Schlecht belegte Studentenpizza gepollockt / Poorly topped student pizza, pollocked, 1993
diameter 45,1 cm / 17 3/4 inches
carved and painted wood, signed, numbered
edition 10 + 5 AP


This multiple was issued in 3 variations: full pizza, half and quarter slices. Ref. “Kippenberger: Multiples,” Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne, 2003, 120-121 pp.


History of prices:
The Archive is Limited € 1.500,- December 2012