KENDELL GEERS, Point Blank, 2004
21 x 15 x 0,8 cm
artist’s book. offset, bullet holes, gun powder sooth; comes in cellophane bag
edition 30
signed, numbered
published by Imschoot, Uitgevers, Ghent, Belgium
€ 1.400,- plus € 18,- Track & Trace registered mail
inv.KGee 000-pr
Seven bullet holes are randomly shot into the blank pages of this artist book. The cover has residue of gun powder. The publisher suggests that Kendell Geers’ exile from his homeland of South Africa and its violence during Apartheid inspired him to make this multiple with gun shots. The sooth of gunpowder is spread over the front of the cover and the cellophane bag has created several hardly visible hair thin scratches in the layer of sooth.
History of prices:
Saint Martin Bookshop, Brussels, Belgium November 2023 € 500,- unsigned
Saint Martin Bookshop, Brussels, Belgium November 2023 € 350,- unsigned