ELVIRE BONDUELLE, WPSB #5, 2019 [artist’s book]

ca 20 x 15 cm
acrylic paint, cotton, SC, 16 pp. incl. couver
series of ca 8 unique artist’s books
signed, dated, numbered
published by the artist
€ 350,- plus Track & Trace registered EU mail
inv.EB 80

Elvire Bonduelle likes the idea that a reader may become happy while looking at the blue waves as if holidays have started. Including the couver, all the pages of this soft book is hand painted.

ELVIRE BONDUELLE, You are a Tombola winner!, 2012 [mail print]

ELVIRE BONDUELLE, You are a Tombola winner!
print of mail 26 April, 2012
29,7 x 21 cm
inv.EB 234-pr

This is a print of a mail about a lot won at a tombola at One Star Press, Paris, France. On the evening of 25th of April Elvire Bonduelle created 26 drawings in a row by means of a ruler, template and colour pencils. The ones who bought lottery tickets could win one of these during her performance. I was one of the winners! KvG

ELVIRE BONDUELLE, Youpie, 2013 [hand made tote bag]

hand made tote bag: linen, screen print
ca 47 x 30 cm
incl. double-sided letter on stiff paper
Collection K. van Gelder, Amsterdam

‘This tote bag is not meant as an art work’ Elvire Bonduelle says. Therefore it is neither of work of art nor an edition. It is meant as a try-out to use the word “Youpie”. Here this object has been archived nevertheless because sometimes ambiguity is worthwhile to show since it tells something about the attitude of the artist involved. This work may be compared to another ambiguous ‘object’ given to me by Olivier Mosset. See heap of confetti in envelope: Olivier Mosset, .