JAAP KRONEMAN / MIRJAM KUITENBROUWER, Over het anachronisme, 1996 [magazine]

JAAP KRONEMAN / MIRJAM KUITENBROUWER, Over het anachronisme, 1996
31 x 40,5 cm
SC, 74 pp, stapled, Dutch language
various kinds of pages, computer matrix prints, photo copies
edition 100
published by De Gele Ruiter, Arnhem, Netherlands
inv.JK 518-pr

This is a magazine-like publication with various contributions, photo copied newspaper clippings, matrix printed texts, statements and tipped-in booklet.
Contributors: Jaap Kroneman, Mirjam Kuitenbrouwer, Jeroen Teunissen, Raoul Teulings, Marion de Boo (NRC Handelsblad), Rein Gerritsen (NRC Handelsblad), Elli Slegten, Hendrik Spiering (NRC Handelsblad), F.A. Muller (NRC Handelsblad), Wilma Sommers, Daniëlle Spierenberg, Dirk Lauwaert (De Witte Raaf) en Marc Leijendekker (NRC Handelsblad)

JAAP KRONEMAN, Untitled, 1995 [screen print girl’s T-shirt]

JAAP KRONEMAN, Untitled, 1995
200 x 152 cm
screen print, conté, acrylic paint
edition 8, here number 2/8
signed, dated, numbered


Jaap Kroneman is one of the founders of Flat Real Art, a branch of the visual arts, which uses concrete reality to begin with. Observed reality is the basis and in the implementation of his work that is flattened. Reality is abstracted, but nevertheless always recognizable. This print has been partly painted, i.e. the nipples and trousers. The outlines have been drawn with black crayon.

JAAP KRONEMAN, Untitled (Fundamentals), 2016 [artist’s book + envelope]

JAAP KRONEMAN, Untitled, 2016
25 x 16,5 cm
artist’s book
felt pen ink, hand made drawings, dust cover, envelope
series of 12 unique artist’s books
signed, dated, numbered
published by Galerie van Gelder Editions, Amsterdam
Private collection, Amsterdam
inv.JK 671-pr

JAAP KRONEMAN: hand made drawing on page 1


JAAP KRONEMAN: marker, ink stamp on envelope