CLAES OLDENBURG, n.d. [print, signed]

CLAES OLDENBURG, n.d. [1970]
inner cover of catalogue
28,5 x 22 cm
offset, 300 grams paper
condition: splendid, gently aged
€ 280,- plus € 18,- Track & Trace registered EU mail
inv.COld 230-pr

In 1980-’90’s an Autographengruppe in Bonn started to collect signatures of known people in sport, art and literature. In the early beginning of this century the collector’s group decided to sell little by little a part of their collection through Internet. Not only postcards but also pages of books were cut out after the members got hold on a signed publication. For that they visited openings at museums and galleries. In this way, the inner cover of a catalogue of Claes Oldenburg was added to the collection of signatures. This cut-off back cover is part of a catalogue that Städtische Kunsthalle in Düsseldorf published in 1970. It shows a part of a hand saw that runs further at the back on the outside.