JONATHAN MONK, The Magnetism of Colour, 2016
94 x 68 cm
silkscreen print on 150 gas C-mat paper, set of 10 magnets on cardboard base
signed on sticker, numbered
edition of 25 + 5 A.P.
(does not include a vitrine)
published by More Publishers, Brussels, Belgium
This print comes with a set of 10 colored magnets to hang the print on. The edition is signed and numbered on a adhesive label, glued on the back of the package of magnets.
This edition is part of a so-called Public Poster Program initiated by the More Publishers in Brussels. The show cases they are presented in are on display in Belgium at MuZee in Ostend, MuhKA in Antwerp and KASK in Ghent. Each month a new poster is launched on the theme time and space. More info at link:
Basically a set of ten colour magnets on a piece of white cardboard is offered, but Jonathan Monk’s edition would not be a (typical) Monk piece if he wouldn’t make a repetition by having it simply reproduced. And that’s what he did using a poster as a vehicle of that drive, so characteristic for his way of working.