JOSEPH BEUYS, Diebstahl, n.d. [between 1974-1977]

JOSEPH BEUYS, Diebstahl, n.d. [between 1974-1977]
two individual prints as flyers, framed recto & verso
each print 29,8 x 21 cm, here framed: 40 x 51,5 cm
unlimited edition, although less than 500
published by Edition Klaus Staeck, Heidelberg, Germany
inv.JBeu 000


Two prints have been framed next to each other, out of the edition of 500 signed copies.

Announcement on flyer reads:
“Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Verwaltung der Kunstmuseen.
D i e b s t a h l.
Am Sonntag, den 9. Juni 1974 sind zwei Beuys-Zeichnungen aus unsere Ausstellung gestohlen worden. Bitte setzen Sie sich mit uns oder mit der Kriminalpolizei in Verbindung, falls Ihnen die Zeichnungen angeboten werden.”

English translation:
‘Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Administration of the Art Museums.
T h e f t.
On Sunday, June 9th 1974, two Beuys drawings were stolen from our exhibition.
Please contact us or the Criminal Investigation Department in case these drawings are offered to you.’