YANN SÉRANDOUR, Cahier Clairefontaine, 2006 [Cahier Clairefontaine + drawing]

YANN SÉRANDOUR, Cahier Clairefontaine, 2006
22 x 17 cm
stapled, 32 pp.
signed, numbered, here nr 9/32
insert of original ink drawing on firm tracing paper
edition 32
published by Édition Cneai, Chatou, France
inv.YSer 000-pr

The couver of this edition was published in six colours: red, orange, yellow, blue, light blue and green.
The printed grids on the notebook pages of ‘Cahier Clairefontaine’ have been originally hand drawn by pupils of the Jules Verne Primary School in Croissy-sur-Seine in France and were reproduced in print. Industrially made notebooks are used for learning to write straight by making use of pre-printed horizontal blue and vertical red lines on each page.
The edition is 1500 of which 32 are numbered and signed.

LEE MCDONALD, Fragmented Test 2645, 2023 [edition CUT magazine about art]

LEE MCDONALD, Fragmented Test 2645, 2023
ca 40 x 17 x 2 cm
plastic, thread, tea bag, 2 stickers
including CUT magazine about art, issue 26
edition 34
signed, dated, numbered
published by Cut Magazine about art, Amsterdam
€ 150,- plus € 8,- Track & Trace registred EU mail
inv.LMcD 000

For CUT magazine about art Lee McDonald made the above edition, all handmade. He seldom makes a work that is not tested by himself. Here, the owner of the multiple may test the parachute by dipping the tea bag in a glass of warm water to give it a bit of weight before throwing it into the air to see what happens. This means that basically 34 tests could be run by the owners, hence its title “Fragmented Test 2645”.

SARAH LUCAS, “Cigarette gnome”, “Denim” and “Jesus and Cigarette”, 2009 [ set of 3 mugs]

“Cigarette gnome”, “Denim” and “Jesus and Cigarette”, 2009
9.3 x 11 x 8 cm
ceramic, set of 3 mugs
extremely rare
published by Other Criteria. London, UK
€ 620,- plus € 18,- Track & Trace registered EU mail
inv.SLuc 364-pr


The titles “Cigarette gnome”, “Denim” and “Jesus and Cigarette” come from Other Criteria’s order site in 2009.

Other Criteria, an arts-based publishing company founded by Damien Hirst, opened its first retail location at 458 Broome Street, New York on May 6th 2014. The shop in London closed down in 2016.

DAMIEN HIRST, Virtue, 2008 [mug]

DAMIEN HIRST, Virtue, 2008
10 x 12 x 8,5 cm
mug, transfer print on ceramic
dated in glaze
published by Damien Hirst and Science Ltd, London, UK
€ 220,- plus € 18,- Track & Trace registered EU mail
inv.DHir 04-24-pr

History of price:
ArtSpace, New York, USA September 2023 € 321,-

JOHN M ARMLEDER, Beach Pouch Gra, 2022 [linen beach pouch]

JOHN M ARMLEDER, Beach Pouch Gra, 2022
ca 17 x 24 cm
linen pouch with zipper, plastic protection bag with Vilebrequin print, 4 tags
signed in print, both on linen label and tag
published by JPR Editions / produced by Vilebrequin, Geneva, Switzerland
For purchase see:
John M Armleder Unisex linen Beach pouch Gra – Vilebrequin x John M Armleder
inv.JMA 000-pr

On one of the tags one can read; ‘John M Armleder combines an extraordinary visual culture with delegation principles and chance procedures. This tension between mastery and the effects of randomness stretches his work from abstraction to appropriation.

About JPR Editions
Placed under the responsibility of FSEA / Fondation Suisse pour l’Édition d’Art, a nonprofit entity presided over by Swiss artist John M Armleder, this new imprint is committed to pursuing the distribution of titles published since 2004, as well as to publishing new books.

After 15 years of dynamic editorial activities as a commercial publishing company, JRP|Ringier became JRP|Editions on January 1, 2019.”
From website JPR editions.

JOHN M ARMLEDER, Splash, 2023 [print on umbrella]

JOHN M ARMLEDER, Umbrella Splash, 2023
88 x 98 x 98 cm
print on umbrella, transparant plastic sleeve
published by We Do Not Work Alone, Paris, France
For purchase at publisher’s house: John M Armleder Umbrella Splash
inv.JMA 000-pr

Right from the sixties and seventies John M Armleder has made use of found objects integrated in his art. From his Furniture Sculptures to cat beds bought at a supermarket and hung as estranged fur objects on the wall of a gallery. Lately, he pushed the boundaries by making designs for Wallpapers by Artists, Puma bags, Vilebrequin’s swimwear like shorts and bowling shirts. Here an umbrella for We Do Not Work Alone has been provided with a stylised splash design. KvG

AERNOUT MIK, Voorwerp, achter te laten in treinen, 1992 [cassette, photograph]

AERNOUT MIK, Voorwerp, achter te laten in treinen, 1992
7 x 11 x 1,5 cm
sound tape, cassette, photograph
signed, dated
series of 10 unique works
published by the artist
Collection K. van Gelder, Amsterdam
inv.AMik 000-pr

…That same intensity of being addressed I felt when I saw the cassette tape of Aernout Mik in 1992. Especially the accompanying title “Object to leave behind in trains” lifted me an inch off the ground. A wonderful purifying plan: get rid of objects by letting others find them.”
Kees van Gelder, in catalogue ‘When artists form ideas’, 2021, Parts Project, The Hague, Netherlands.

‘The idea is that the owner of “Object to leave behind in trains” leaves this item in a train’. Talk with Arnout Mik in Bunnik (NL) on 22 March 2024.

“Miks beelden zijn vaak nogal hermetisch waardoor ze iets zelfingenomens krijgen, maar bij dit werk is dat minder het geval. Op en onder een tafel staan een groot aantal voorwerpen: een enorm blik tonijn, een glazen potje met afgeknipte nagels, een papieren zak met een blikje Budweiser-bier. De titel maakt dat je het beeld gemakkelijk voor je ziet: het nagelpotje staande op het koffieplankje naast het raam – wie zou dat hebben achtergelaten en waarom? De groene legertas vol flessen azijn tegenover je op de lege bank in de trein naar Schiphol.” Hans den Hartog Jager, ‘De Utrechtse School’, NRC Handelsblad, 14 februari 1997.

DAVID HORVITZ, Untitled (la Grande Salinette), 2023 [postcard with glued on sand]

DAVID HORVITZ, Untitled (la Grande Salinette), 2023
10,5 x 15,8 cm
postcard, sand, mat glue
signed, dated, numbered
edition 30
published by More Publishers, Quenast, Belgium
For purchase contact www.morepublishers.be
inv.DHor 000

Plage la Grande Salinette is a popular seaside resort with a view on the bay of Saint-Briac-sur-Mer in France. The owners of publishing house More Publishers invited David Horvitz to make a postcard for a next edition. He came up with the idea to glue beach sand of that resort on a card. Hence the above postcard “Untitled (la Grande Salinette)” that was produced on the spot.

The back of the card mentions ‘From a distance…” that refers to a series of postcards that the publishers Tim Ryckaert and Amélie Laplanche have started to issue in 2023. Every time when they stay in Saint-Briac-sur-Mer (France) they may launch a new edition produced on the spot. Hence the name of this series that alludes with the fact that a plan is proposed by an artist and carried out from a distance…, while the publishing house is located in Belgium.

MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Op naar een nieuwe wereld!, 2004

MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM, Op naar een nieuwe wereld! / On to a new world!, 2004
31 x 23 cm
mat colour photo on aluminum plate, comes with catalogue, clamshell box
signed, dated, numbered
edition 42
published by Buchhandlung Walther Koenig, Cologne, Germany
€ 450,- plus € 24,- Track & Trace registered EU mail
inv.MvW 000

The tendency to balance between reality and abstraction is characteristic of the work of Marijke van Warmerdam. This ‘flattening’ of reality may seem to make the work less accessible, but her titles always offer guidance and redemption. They function as a catalyst for the image as a whole, in other words: the image that may be viewed together with the title – as an angle to look from.

The edition ‘On to a new world!’ shows a landscape of an unknown planet. It appears to have been photographed from a high-altitude satellite. A shooting star (at the sight of it, a part of humanity makes a wish, it is said) is supposed to emphasize that. In reality, the landscape is a close-up of a badly plastered wall.
Marijke van Warmerdam likes to take a positive approach to anticipating what will possibly take place in the future. By means of the imperative ‘On to a new world!’ she wants to face the future with an optimistic view.
KvG, June 2023